Everybody Mad

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" hey Y/N" Courtney said as she passed by You and Bey.

" hey" You simply said before turning your attention back to your girlfriend who was now sending glares over at Courtney.

"Bae,over here" you said turning her head.

" ugh I hate that bitch" Beyoncé said rolling her eyes.

" you give a bitch dick once and now the hoe think she's the baddest bitch in the fruckin world. Why you had to fuck her? Bey said playfully hitting her.

You and Beyoncé have been dating for almost a year now, when Beyoncé first came to the school her 11th grade year.She stayed to herself but then she met You in art class, she didn't even notice that she had you for almost all her classes. Courtney didn't like that You was talking to Beyoncé since she thought y'all was a thing after she let you fuck. So she simply made a rumor about Bey . Once Beyoncé found out she went to confront Courtney.one thing about bey she feared nobody, Ended up punching Courtney right in the nose But things didn't stop there, Courtney had people to knock food out of Beyoncé's hand, put stuff in her locker, steal her clothes. But You was always there to save the day, so Beyoncé thought she'll just date you just to make Courtney jealous but she ended up falling hard for You.

"She was an easy lay that's all" You said locking your fingers with Bey.
"That's sad, bitch passing her pussy around" bey said.

" speaking of sex....I'm really trying to get between those thick thighs tonight" you said smirking.

"Hmmmm...I guess so, only because you been so good this whole week" Beyoncé chuckled.

" yeah I have, I haven't been in SCSI, I went to all my classes and did my work instead of copying"

" Y/N you copy off my work all the time" Beyoncé laughed.

" well except for that"

"You're so cute" she said leaning over to kiss you.


Today was twin day at school and Beyoncé thought her and You looked so cute together.

"We look so cute!" Beyoncé squealed.

" we have to go down to the library to take a picture so we could be in the yearbook" You said.

It was yall last year and You and Bey were running for everything. Best couple, homecoming King and Queen, mr. and mrs. Laurel Springs, and prom King and Queen. But so far y'all won homecoming and best couple now y'all had to wait for prom. Bey won best smile, most talented,and most contagious laugh. And You won most athletic,school spirit, class clown, and most likely to be famous.

" you're really trying to be in this yearbook baby " Beyoncé laughed.

" yes, I want our kids to know we did a lot in school and they can do the same" You said as they walked through the halls hand in hand.

Beyoncé got butterflies just thinking about the fact that You wanted kids with her. You walked Bey to her homeroom,kissing her before you headed to your own class. Bey rolled her eyes when she seen Courtney sitting in her seat. Beyoncé didn't let that phase her all she did was got an empty desk pushing it towards the back.

" hey queen" Troy said sitting in front of Beyoncé.

" hey what's up?" Bey smiled.

Troy was Beyoncé's best friend, he was the first person to talk to her when she got out here. He was tall and goofy.

"I guess bitches takin spots now or whateva , people really do be beggin for a beat down." Troy said throwin shade.

" oh please by who? Your little friend over there? Please I'm not worried about that trash. I'll just fuck her girlfriend and keep it rolling" Courtney said.

" you know what Courtney fuck you,my girlfriend doesn't want some slut with no walls. Stop doing all that talking and just run me my round because apparently you're not going to get enough until I really beat your ass" Beyoncé said standing up.

"A slut!? But yet you fucked your girlfriend's best friend.Y/N doesn't want you bitch" Courtney said laughing along with her friends.

Troy ended up texting You letting you know your girl was about to fight. The teacher stepped out to go get a security. You  ran full speed to your girlfriend classroom.

" well I'm not getting thick for a reason honey, are you mad that you're not the one fucking her every night. Damn bitch it's been a year move the fuck on she doesn't want you" Bey said.

" that's all you're good for is a fuck, yeah I heard why you left your other school. Giving head in the bathroom, your poor dad didn't want you so he gave you to your bum ass mama"

That ticked Bey off, running over towards Courtney she didn't even have a chance to even hit her before she felt herself being lifted off the ground.

"Let me go!" Beyoncé shouted as she was getting further and further away from hit Courtney.

" calm down baby " You said as you held Her.

" if you fight you won't be able to go to prom with me and it can mess up your school record and you don't want that. Courtney is all talk, she wants to get you mad so you could pop off. You can get her on the last day" You said talking to your girlfriend in the hallway.

" alright fine"

Beyoncé went in the classroom grabbing her book bag when she seen security coming down the hall.

" almost got your ass beat by my best friend" Troy said laughing at Courtney.

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