My way

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"When will you be back over here?" Beyoncé asked you.

"Whenever you want me baby" you said looking at Bey who was laying in your arms.

"Well I'm that case, I want your fine ass right back over here in my bed" Beyoncé said grabbing your dick.

"Yes ma'am" you said pecking her lips.

" I gotta get going soon though" you said sitting up.

" can I give you something before you go?" Bey asked grabbing your arm.


Beyoncé pulled the covers back revealing your dick. She grabbed it before taking it in her mouth, sucking on the tip as she jerked the other half. She felt you grow harder and harder in her mouth, dragging her tongue down to your balls you moaned as she sucked on both of them.

"Damn baby" you moaned as you watched Bey suck on your balls.

"You like that baby?" Beyoncé asked.

"Hell yeah"

Taking your dick back in her mouth she deep throat your dick, swallowing around it as she did so. Bey looked up at you with spit all around her mouth. You grabbed her head and you started fucking her mouth.

"Oh my God" you moaned.

Beyoncé sucked on the tip while she massaged your balls and you was so close. Fucking her mouth a bit more you bust in her mouth. Feeling you cum shoot in the back of her throat, Beyoncé sucked on the tip of your dick applying more pressure. Your mouth felled open as your eyes rolled in the back of your head.

"Bey" you said as your head felled back on the pillow.

"Yes baby?" Bey smiled at you.

" that's all I can say right now" you said.

Beyoncé chuckled at your face expression.

" well you don't want to be late" Beyoncé said.

" right" you said getting off the bed.

Picking up your briefs, you slid them back on before picking up your sports bra. Walking over to the chair you got redress. You hate when your clothes get wrinkled so you never just threw them on the floor.

"I'll see you later" you said kissing Bey before leaving.

On your way driving home you stopped back by Taco Bell getting a few tacos for yourself. You ate them as you drove home.

"Fuck" you said when sauce dropped on your shirt.

Pulling up in your yard, you finished the last taco before getting out. You grabbed your Louis Vuitton messenger bag before walking to the door, unlocking it with your finger print.

"Yayyy you're home" your wife said.

"Wassup" you said dropping your keys in the bowl.

"How was your meetings baby?" Kelly asked patting the spot next to her.

" bullshit. Two of the clients didn't have all their shit together and they just wasted my time so I pulled out from the project" you said sitting next to your wife.

Kelly smiled at you before pecking your lips.

" I know you're tired, let's go get in bed" Kelly said pulling you up.


" nice save in there doctor Knowles" doctor Marvin said.

"Thank you sir" Beyoncé smiled removing her face mask.

"So you sucked his dick to be his 2nd?" Kelly asked when the head doctor walked away.

Bey rolled her eyes at Kelly, she couldn't stand the bitch at all. Beyoncé and Kelly has beef for the longest now. Beyoncé would never forget the time Kelly was the first to lead a surgery and afterwards she had told Bey to be more like her so Beyoncé fucked her wife and she was loving every bit of it. Bey first met you at the hospital Christmas party, she followed you when you went to the bathroom. It was something about Beyoncé that pulled you and you didn't know what it was.

"Maybe" Beyoncé said before walking away.

You were at the hospital to have lunch with your wife. Walking inside you smiled at the doctors as you passed. Your smile got bigger when you seen Bey.

"Hey sexy" she said walking past you.

You shook your head as you walked to the cafeteria. Finding your wife, she already had food out wait for you.

" hey beautiful" you smiled.

"Hey love, I got us a salad" Kelly said.

" thank you"

You were about to pour the dressing on your salad before your phone went off.

Beyoncé: come meet me in the on call room

You:Can't. Having lunch with my wife

Beyoncé: NOW.

You: Bey🤦🏽‍♀️

Beyoncé: I don't care

Beyoncé: don't make me come looks for you

You: Beyoncé chill out

"Everything ok baby?" Kelly asked.

" I have to take this, it's work" you said getting up.

" if I'm not back in time just close it up"

You left the cafeteria going to the call room. Walking inside Beyoncé was laying on the bed waiting for you.

"Lock the door baby" she said.

You looked the door behind you before you sat next to Bey.

" why you have to give me a hard time? You said we were meeting later today" you said.

" ok so what? I changed my mind, I'm allowed to do that" Beyoncé said.

" so you don't want me to come later then?"

" yes! Y/N don't start acting funny now, we've been at this for 6 months now" Bey said looking at you.

" what do you want baby?" You asked.

" just you" she said rubbing your thigh.

Beyoncé was just trying to hold you so you wouldn't have time for Kelly.

"Bey I have my wife waiting on me and she really want to have lunch with me" you said.

" so you're putting her before me?" Beyoncé asked.

" she's my wife"

" and I'm just your side piece.... go ahead Y/N" Bey said as her whole demeanor changed.

" I'll come over right after I get off, I promise" you said kissing her cheek before leaving the room.


Beyoncé had something planned for you  and it wasn't going to be nice, it was either her way or hell.

Beyoncé imagines(Vol.1)Where stories live. Discover now