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You looked down at the girl giving you head. Watching her clean the whipped cream off your dick, it was messy but she was good. You held her head as you thrusted in her mouth.

"Stick your tongue out baby" you said pushing her hair back.

You moaned as the girl deep throat you before you pulled away. Beyoncé was loving the way you pulled her hair, how you forcefully pushed your dick down her throat. You and Beyoncé met at this club, you wanted to let out the last of your Hot Girl summer steam before school started back. You're a professor at a local college.

"Get on your hands and knees" you said rubbing her ass before giving it a hard smack.

Beyoncé arched her back, shaking her ass in front of you. You grabbed the condom off your night stand putting it on. You held on to Beyoncé waist as you slowly pushed inside her.

"Ohhhh" Beyoncé moaned out loud.

You held Bey in that same position fucking her hard. Beyoncé was glad you holding her because her knees gave out. Beyoncé had the sheets clenched in her hands as she moaned out your name. You chuckled a little bit at the fact that she knew your name but you didn't know hers but you was totally fine with that, she was just a one nightstand.......so you thought.


~ 1 week later~

"Noooo ma I don't have a girlfriend, I don't want one either" you said as you drove to work.

"Y/N sleeping with a bunch of women isn't cute, do you even get tested?" Your mom asked.

"I don't try to be cute and yes I get tested every month, plus I'm always safe" you said.

"Seriously Y/N, you're sleeping with too many. God forbid you play those same games on a woman that won't take no shit like that" she said.

"I can protect myself mama. But I gotta go, I just pulled up at the school" you said turning your car off.

"Alright, be safe and I love you" she said.

"Love you too mama" you said before hanging up.

You got out the car, opening the back door to get your bag out.

"Oh shit" you said as you remembered your coffee.

You grabbed your coffee before you locked your car. Walking across the parking lot, you said good morning to the few people you passed by. Beyoncé was so excited about college, she was suppose to attend last year but her mom got sick and she had to take care of her. But when Beyoncé's mom died she left a note to Bey telling her how she wants her to go to college and chase her dreams and that's what she was doing. 

"Bey!" Austin shouted.

Beyoncé turned around when she heard someone call her name. The smile on Beyoncé's face dropped as soon as she seen who it was. Austin attended the same high school as Beyoncé, they were really good friends and he liked her and wanted to ask her out but being the dumb ass that he was he ruined it for himself. One night one of Austin's teammates seen him in the car with bey at a park, he asked Austin about it in practice and he lied telling them he fucked Bey and he got around the whole school.

"What do you want?" Bey asked.

"Come on Bey, I apologized about a million times" he said.

"Fuck you and your million apologies" she said before walking away. 

You sat at your desk waiting for everyone to arrive. As the seat filled up more kids were walking in, you only had 30 seats in your class and you definitely didn't have 30 students in your classroom.

"Ok some of you are probably in the wrong class because me and
Mr. Hernandez for some odd reason have the same room number, so check the last name" you said.

"Stealing my students again
Y/L/N" Mr. Hernandez said popping his head in your room.

"I was just sending them over" you chuckled.

Watching some people get up to leave, your students then had a seat. Beyoncé couldn't believe her eyes, she couldn't stop thinking about you since that night back at your place and here you was teaching her class. As class went on Beyoncé couldn't stop thinking about you. How it felt to be up under you, how rough you was with her. Not once did Bey look familiar to you but you did notice the way she looked at you. After class was done you sat at your desk watching everyone clear out.

"Hey" Beyoncé said smiling at you as she stood in front of your desk.

"Wassup" you said awkwardly tucking your lips.

"I tried calling you but I never got an answer" she said.

At this point you was confused as fuck, you don't remember ever speaking to the girl. You sat up in your chair as you tried to remember where you knew her from.

"I uh..... what's your name?" You asked.

Beyoncé smiled dropped a bit when she realized you didn't remember her.

" I'm sorry, maybe you'll remember me if I get on my hands and knees and arch my back" Beyoncé said raising her tone on purpose.

"Woah, woah. Come on now, no need for all that" you said getting up to close your door.

"This isn't the time and place to be talking about this" you said to her.

"Fine, come to my house tonight" she said writing her address on one of your planning folders with a permanent marker.

"What the fuck" you said when she walked out.


Beyoncé only had on her underwear as she walked around her house waiting for you. As you were on your way to Beyoncé's place you called your best friend.

"Hello" Kelly answered.

"I fucked up and I fucked up bad" you said.

"Oh God Y/N what did you do? Do I need to call you a lawyer?" She asked.

"No. I slept with this girl and she's one of my students! And the bad thing about it is that I don't remember her" You said.

" I should've known. Well the last girl i seen you with was some chick from the club last week" Kelly said to you.

" I hooked up with somebody? I had to be drunk if I can't remember" you mumbled to yourself.

" I'm on my way to her house to set things straight but I'll call you and let you know how things went"

You said bye to Kelly before hanging up. Thinking back to the night at the club then it hit you, you definitely took Beyoncé home with you. Getting to Beyoncé's house you walked up to the door knocking three times before waiting. Beyoncé got up walking to the door when she heard a knock. She looked in the peek hole to confirm it was you before opening the door.

"Woahhh" you said as your eyes with straight to her chest.

"We can't do this" you said keeping your eyes on the ground.

"Why not? You scared" she asked pulling at your belt loop.

"I'm your teacher, go put on some clothes" you said.

Beyoncé forcefully yanked you in her house before closing the door. You ain't never had no girl to act like this towards you.

"Ok you trippin now. Move out the way so I can leave" you said moving her out the way.

"And I tell the whole school how we fucked?" Beyoncé threatened.

Stopping in your tracks you turned around to face Bey.

"I see you on that slimy shit" you said.

"I'm not about to play no childish games with you"

"I wasn't a child when I was sucking your dick or when you had my face pressed against the mattress" Beyoncé said as she stood in front of you.

"Get with the program because I'm not bullshitting" Beyoncé said.

Beyoncé imagines(Vol.1)Where stories live. Discover now