New Woman

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" I still can't believe y'all don't go together anymore" Amber said.

" I know but maybe we're just not meant to be" Beyoncé said.

"Not meant to be!? Bey! you and
Y/N were together for 3 years! What are you talking about" Amber said.

" that doesn't mean anything. I'm just done with everything, what's done is done and I just want to move forward" she said.


"So why y'all broke up again?" Sean asked.

" she wanted space" You said on your laptop.

"Space my ass. I would've brought my girl a hotel room for a week, that's her fuckin space" Sean said.

" did y'all both agree to this?" He asked.

"Yeah bro, we sat and talked about it..... what's done is done" you said.


~3 weeks later~

"Trust me you don't have to worry, my cooking is good" Mendy said holding Beyoncé's hand as they walked into her apartment building.

" I hope so" Beyoncé chuckled.

Beyoncé had met Mendy two weeks ago. She informed her that she recently just got out of a long term relationship and wasn't in the rush to get back in one. But all that went in one ear and out the other for Mendy, she wanted her so bad.

"So this is my place, it's not much but it's home" she said walking in with bey behind her.

"It's really nice in here. Hey I didn't know you play piano" Beyoncé said walking over to the piano.

She touched the keys before she sat down on the bench.

" you mind if I play a bit?" She asked.

"Go ahead" she smiled.

Beyoncé placed her purse next to her before she began to play on the piano, her fingers moving gracefully across the keys. Mendy pulled out her phone, she recorded a video for her IG story. She had the camera pointed on her as Beyoncé played In the back ground. She flipped the camera on Bey before ending the video.


~3 days later~

" what's done is done right?" Sean laughed.

"Shut up" You said picking up your phone.

You seen a video and some pictures of Beyoncé with some other woman and You didn't like it one bit.

"Should I call her or go to her house?" You asked Sean.

"Fuck that calling shit, go to her house! Let's go" Sean said.

If Beyoncé knew You was on your way to her house, she would've been had Mendy to leave. Things wasn't serious with them, Beyoncé just liked the way she treats her. Beyoncé laid in Mendy's arms while they watched a movie on Netflix.

" you ok beautiful?" She asked.

" yeah" Bey mumbled.

Mendy kissed her forehead before going back to the movie. Beyoncé only then got up when she heard a knock on the door. She got up to answer the door, looking through the peek hole she opened the door before stepping outside.

"Who car that is?" You asked taking off your chain.

"Y/N don't start" Beyoncé said.

"That nigga gotta go now" you said taking your shirt off.

You wanted to fight now, you tried to get past Beyoncé but she wouldn't let you in.

"You're really trying to fight her, she have nothing to do with it" Beyoncé said.

"Put back on your shirt and leave please, we'll talk later" she said.

Mendy ended up opening the door, coming outside.

"You ok beautiful?"she asked.

"Aye you need to leave" You said.

Sean got out the car when he seen Mendy come out.

"You good bruh?" Sean asked.

"No, take her home please" Beyoncé said trying to stop things from getting out of hand.

" you're just her ex, I don't have to listen to you" Mendy said.

"Man hold my shit" You said giving Sean your shirt and chain.

"You know what, Mendy just leave. I'll talk to you later" Beyoncé said.

"She should've been did that" You said.

Mendy looked at You as she walked by before getting into her car.

"I'm staying here bro, you can leave" You said grabbing your stuff.

"Ight. Let me know" Sean said.

"you're unbelievable! She's just a friend" Beyoncé said.

"You was holding this nigga hand in public! We not done so don't try me like that Beyoncé. Just because you said a break don't mean you can talk to other people" You said.

"Where the fuck are you getting a break from Y/N? We broke up!" Beyoncé said.

" I'm not going nowhere, I wanna be with you and that's that" You said sitting down.

"Maybe if you stop lying all the time we wouldn't be in the predicament, now get out my house" she said with her arms across.

" I'll be back tomorrow" you said getting up to leave.

You walked outside calling Sean back, telling him to turn back around.

A/N: part 2?

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