Help me

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Beyoncé sat back against the head board as she felt herself get high instantly. Wiping under her nose she got out of bed to get rid of her mess, sliding the tray under her bed she walked in the bathroom to rinse her face. Hearing the knock on the door Bey dried her face before she ran to open the door.

" hey" she smiled opening the door.

" wassup" You said smiling back at your ex.

" he just went to sleep on the way over here" You said as you held your son in your arms.

" you can put him in his room" Bey said.

Beyoncé waited for You to come back out, wrapping her arms around your neck.

"You got time to play?"Bey asked.

"Yeah. I think I do" You grinned.

Beyoncé often got extremely horny when she was high. You and Bey wasn't together anymore but y'all still fooled around with each other.

Beyoncé leaned up capturing Your lips with hers. She moaned into your mouth when You squeezed her ass.  She pulled away leading you towards her room. Beyoncé got naked in front of You before she got on the bed arching her back giving You a good view.

" fuck me so hard baby" Beyoncé mumbled.

You took your pants and boxers off quick when you seen Beyoncé's pussy glistening like a glazed donut. You smacked Her ass, lining yourself up before pushing inside her.

" oh fuck!" Bey moaned.

Beyoncé was on cloud 9 as You was fucking her. Everything was 10 times better when she was high, she'll be good and sleepy afterwards but she couldn't fall into no deep sleep because of Kamari.

" pull my hair daddy" Beyoncé said.

You wrapped your hand around Beyoncé's ponytail as you started pounding inside her. Beyoncé was creaming all over you dick, loving the sounds that was coming out of Her mouth.

" pussy so good baby. Throw that shit back" You said smacking Her ass.

You held up your shirt with your mouth as Bey threw her ass back on you and you was definitely catchin it. Beyoncé let out a high pitched squeal as she came. That was Your favorite sound to hear coming out of Her mouth well Besides her singing

"Fuck" You groaned as you came.


" my handsome boy, I love you so much" Beyoncé cooed to her son.

She had cleaned him up after he made a big mess with his breakfast. She had to get him and herself dress because You wanted to take Mari to some inside aquarium. Sitting him up in the bed she gave him one of his toys to play with before she grabbed the tray from under her bed.

"Fuck!" She yelled when the bag was empty.

She had forgot to call up her plug, forgetting she used the last bit last night. In the process of her loud outburst she scared her son causing him to cry.

" I'm sorry baby. Mama's coming, give me a sec" she said grabbing her left over baggies shaking them to try to make something Come out.

"Yes" She said.

In the process of Bey snorting her coke Kamari crawled over towards the end of the bed trying to get to his mom. He ended up falling off the bed over Bey hitting his head on the floor. Beyoncé instantly turned around when she felt him against her back but she was too late. She picked him up instantly, his cries filling the room.

"Aw shit" she said seeing the gash on his forehead.

He had a big knot on his forehead which was busted open. She quickly grabbed her keys, purse,and slipping on her shoes she rushed out the door.


You had rushed to the hospital when Beyoncé called you about Kamari. That little boy was your everything and just hearing that your son was in the hospital just shook your heart. You speed walked all the way over to the kids area. Walking in Mari's room you sighed when you seen your son sleeping in the hospital crib.

" he had to get four stitches and they gave him pain medicine so he's out for awhile" Bey said chewing on her nails.

" how he felled? Where you was?" You asked mad that your son had to go through that pain.

" I-I was looking for my earring on the floor and he felled off the bed. I didn't think he'll fall, I'm sorry" Beyoncé said to You.

" you gotta pay attention man" you said.

" you ain't change his diaper? It's full"

" I forgot his baby bag at home, the hospital gave me that cheap one" she said

" stay here with him while I go get it" Bey said getting up.

Beyoncé didn't even wait for Your response she left pulling out her phone texting her plug, she couldn't cope with this sober shit.


Beyoncé and Kamari was at Your house for a few days because you wanted to keep an eye on your son. You had just gotten out the shower, walking down the hall toward your room you stopped when you seen Bey snorting up with a dollar bill.

"Yo what the fuck!" You said.

Beyoncé soul left her body when she heard Your voice. Looking up at You with powder left under her nose. Bey couldn't say nothing, she didn't know what to say.

" you lost yo fuckin mind, you fucking trippin" You said.

" i should knock you in yo shit! My fucking son right there! You got him fuckin watching you do some crack!"

" I'm sorry" Beyoncé mumbled as tears felled.

Bey knew she had a problem but she ignored it. She loved the way the drugs made her feel.she was using daily, she was a addict.

" wipe yo fuckin nose and get the fuck out" You said walking over to your son taking him out his walker.

" Y/N, let me explain" Bey said.

"COME ON GET YO SHIT AND GO!" You snapped.

Beyoncé left out of there quick not even looking back.


It's been three days and Beyoncé haven't seen her son or even talked to You. She didn't even stop after that day, if anything she used more, thinking you was gonna bring Kamari home she cleaned up around the house. Bey sat around watching time fly by.

Beyoncé: when are you bringing Mari home?"

You: He is home, right with me

Beyoncé: seriously Y/N!?

Beyoncé: I haven't seen him in three days

You: don't worry about him

You: focus on getting help

Beyoncé threw her phone across the room, she buried her face in her pillows as she cried.

Beyoncé imagines(Vol.1)Where stories live. Discover now