The Control

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" ms. Y/L/N your 3 o'clock is here" your assistant said.

"Send them in please" you said.

You signed a few things before they came in. You were very busy today. You had meets back to back and on top of that you had a pile of papers to look over and sign.

"I'm finally meeting thee Y/N" Hector Said walking in your office with his partner.

"Nice to meet you Hector and Bill" you said shaking both their hands.

"what we're bringing to the table is something amazing! It'll blow you away" Bill said opening the folder on your desk.

"Well let me hear it" you said sitting back in your chair.

" ok these pants with this design and your logo in the background" Bill Said.

"I like the design and the pants lay out but i don't think my logo should be faded on these shorts . And my brand name should be on these pants back pockets" you said putting your opinion in for both bottoms.

"That's a good idea as well" Hector said.

Before the three of you could make a deal your intercom speaker came on but all you heard was "ma'am you can't go in there" getting up out your chair you walked over towards your door to greet whoever it was coming to your voice.

"Give me a second guys" you said walking out.

You shook your head before running you hand through your short hair when you seen your wife walking down the hall.

"What are you doing here?" You asked.

" oh so I can't come see you now? Why you have another bitch in your office?" Beyoncé asked.

" I never said that, I was just asking" you said.

" I don't have a problem with you coming to see me but it'll be better if u let me know in advance" you said kissing the top of Beyoncé's head.

Beyoncé stared at you before rolling her eyes and proceeding to your office. But you grabbed her arm to stop her.

"Hey, don't give me attitude. I'm having a meeting in my office but what you can do is go wait in the lounge for me" you said in a stern voice.

Bey snatched her arm from you before walking towards the lounge. But Bey didn't go to the lounge she went towards the designer floor knowing Taylor was up there. Finishing off your meeting you went to the lounge to get Bey but she wasn't there. You called her phone but she didn't pick up, going back to the front desk you went to ask your assistant did she see where your wife went.

"I seen her up on the designer floor when I brought paper copies to Harry.

"Thank you" you said before going upstairs.

You should've known Beyoncé would be up there. Making your way towards Taylor office you seen Bey sitting on top of Taylor's desk laughing. You didn't even knock on the door you just walked in.

"Let's go" you said to Bey.

"Woah there boss. Knock and it shall be open unto you" Taylor said.

" you forgot this is my building? All these doors mines" you said before walking out.

Beyoncé walked past you towards the elevator not even waiting for you, Speed walking to catch up with your wife.

"What the hell is your problem today?" You asked her when y'all got on the elevator.

"I don't have a problem baby" bey said looking at you.

"You gave me attitude when I told you I was in a meeting then you went up there to Taylor. Like what the fuck is going on with you two!? Are you Fucking her? Because I'll fuck you up in this elevator " You said.

Beyoncé knew just exactly what she was doing. It was something about seeing you angry that made her horny for you.

"Why?" Beyoncé simply asked.

That just ticked you off. Wrapping your hand around Beyoncé's throat, you pushed her back until her back hit the wall. Beyoncé had a smirk on her face when she got the reaction out of u.

"I'll kill the both of you if you're Fucking her" you said to your wife in a stern voice.

"I'll never cheat on you Daddy. I belong to you and only you" Beyoncé said as she looked you in your eyes.

"But it seems like you're afraid of a little competition" Bey Said.

"Stop fuckin playin with me Giselle" you said getting off the elevator with your wife behind you.


"When we get in this house go straight upstairs" you said to your wife as you pulled up inside the garage.

" what if I don't want to?" Beyoncé asked getting out the car.

"it's not up for debate get your ass up them stairs"

Beyoncé stood there crossing her arms with an eyebrow raised. She was definitely testing you today. Walking over to Bey you picked her up slinging her over your shoulder before entering your house. Once you were in the room you threw Bey on the bed before you started undressing yourself.

" I see I have to teach you who's in charge here. Take your clothes" you said.

" no" Bey said.

"TAKE YOUR CLOTHES OFF NOW BEYONCÉ" you yelled making bey jump.

Beyoncé stood up slowly taking her clothes off, her eyes never leaving yours. Bey nipples were hard and her panties were soaked. Once she took her panties off she threw them at you before sitting back on the bed. You took your briefs and Bey eyes went straight to your dick.

"Turn over on your stomach" you mumbled while stroking yourself.

Beyoncé turned over on her stomach just laying there waiting for you. You moaned when you pulled Her ass checks apart. Her pussy was so wet, she was ready for you. Pulling Bey up by the waist you lined yourself up before pushing all the way inside her.

"Fuck" Bey moaned gripping the sheets.

Wrapping your hand around her ponytail you pulled on it as you began Fucking her. Beyoncé was loving how rough you was fucking her. Her hands gripping the sheets, you let go of her hair before pressing your hands in the arch of her back.

" babyyyy. You got too much dick!" Beyoncé moaned tryna pull away.

"Where you goin" you said pressing bey against the bed.

" you gone take all this dick" you said smacking her ass.

You pulled out before laying on the bed.

"Come ride this dick" you said.

Beyoncé got on top of you kissing your lips before she lowered herself on your dick. Your hands rested on her hips and she slowly rolled her hips.

"You can do better baby and you know it" you said thrusting upwards.

Beyoncé rested her hands on you before she started bouncing on your dick. You watched your dick go in and out of her as she creamed on your dick.

" just like that baby" you said watching her.

" I'm gonna cum" she said.

With that being said, you pulled Beyoncé down on top of you before you fucked her until she was cumming all over your dick. Beyoncé screamed your name as she came, testing her head in the crook of your neck. You moaned as you shot your load inside of her.  The two of Your stayed in that position for awhile.

"You could've just told me wanted sex instead of going through all that" you said as you held Bey in your arms.

"And where's the fun in that? You're so fucking sexy when you're mad, I just can't help myself"

Beyoncé imagines(Vol.1)Where stories live. Discover now