Sugar mama

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"Have anything in mind what you want birthday girl?" You asked.

" just some dick" Beyoncé said eating her sandwich.

" well you're getting that but what do you want?"

" I wanna go shopping and I want to get my nails and feet done" Bey said.

"Alright, what about your hair baby?"you asked.

"I'll just wear it in a ponytail, it ain't nothing serious" Beyoncé said.

"Alright come on then we can go get your nails and feet done and if we have time we could go to the mall"

Beyoncé was 18 years old dating a 35 year old woman, she was her sugar mama. Bey met you at her job, you asked for her number and she gave it. Her parents didn't know anything about you because if they did she'll be in big trouble.

"Gonna hold my hand this time?" Beyoncé asked smirking as she thought about the last time she through a fit at the mall because You wouldn't hold her hand.

"Bey I told you I don't like that holding hands shit" You said.

"But baby" Beyoncé whined as she followed You outside.

" you want the stuff or not? You stopped and asked.

" yes" she mumbled.

" ok get in the car and stop all that whining"

Beyoncé got in the car slamming the door shut before turning her body towards the door.

" hey, don't slam my door. What's wrong you" You said as you started the car up before you pulled out the parking lot.

Beyoncé didn't say anything the whole ride she just sat there texting her friends, them asking her was she going to throw a party or not. When Bey finally looked up y'all were at the mall. You knew Bey was upset because of the not holding hands in public thing, not wanting to see her mad so when y'all got out you just grabbed her hand as y'all walked to the entrance.

" don't be mad baby girl, you're suppose to be a happy princess" You said.

" well how can I when you hate being affectionate" Beyoncé said.

"I'm trying, I already told you that's not really my cup of tea" You said holding the door open for Beyoncé.

"well you need to get on board and try harder" Beyoncé said to You.

"Yeah, yeah come on"


Beyoncé had just finished getting her eyebrows done, she walked out the shop seeing You talking to some other girl. Beyoncé got jealous quick, walking over towards the two she wrapped her arm around You.

" I'm all done baby, you ready to go?" She asked.

" ahh yeah, lets go" you said not even saying nothing to the other girl as you just walked away.

Beyoncé was furious she couldn't believe You was just talking to some other girl. Getting into the car she slammed the car door.

" would you stop slamming my door please" You said.

" take me home" Beyoncé said.

" thought you were coming back to my place?"

" call that bitch and tell her to come over" she said.

" come on Bey, really? She's nothing. You always get so jealous for no reason" you said as you drove to your place.

"She was flirting with you the fuck! And I told you to take me home" Beyoncé yelled.

You pulled up at your house getting out, you went to Beyoncé's side pulling her out the car throwing her over your shoulder. You left all the bags inside walking towards the door.

"Y/N ! Put me down!"

You took Bey up to your bedroom throwing her on the bed before you started stripping out of your clothes, Beyoncé couldn't take her eyes off Your body.

" take your clothes off and I'm not going to repeat myself either" You said in a stern voices.

Beyoncé stood up taking her clothes off before she got back on the bed sitting in the middle,keeping her eyes on You.

" that little attitude of yours gotta stop, you're not gonna keep slamming my damn car door because your little ass isn't going to get it fit. And ok so what if that girl was flirting I'm not interested. The person I'm interested in is the person who brain I'm about to fuck outta them" You said walking towards the bed.

"Get over here" you said to Bey.

Bey stood on her knees in front of You .

" I'm sorry" she mumbled.

" I don't want to hear that now. Turn around and get on your hands and knees" You demanded.

Beyoncé did as she was told, feeling her butt cheeks being pulled apart. She got wet feeling the cool breeze hit her pussy.

" wet already and I didn't even do nothing" You said slapping Beyoncé's ass hard.

You ran your dick between Beyoncé's pussy lips and ass cheeks before entering her pussy causing Bey to moan out loud.

Letting Her adjust, You  began moving in and out of Bey loving how tight she was.
Bey gripped at the sheets under her as You fucked her from behind.

"Y/N " she moaned.

" yeah you like that?"You asked as you fucked her.

"Yessssss sooo much" she moaned.

Bey ended up on her stomach but you pulled her up by the hips only for her to get knocked down again. Bey was loving how rough You was fucking her. You was basically the reason why she have back dimples now.

"pussy so good" you grunted.

"All yours daddy"Beyoncé said meeting Your thrust.

"I'm so close" Bey said.

You reached down between Beyoncé's legs rubbing her clit. Bey eyes rolled in the back of her head as she came, You cuming right after Her.

"Happy birthday baby girl" You said kissing Her head.

Beyoncé imagines(Vol.1)Where stories live. Discover now