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"No, no I'm flying out tonight. I'll be  there in the morning to pick her up" you said talking to Bey over the phone.

"Y/N. Boo... you not getting it. I have to go to work tonight and I don't have anyone to watch her.

"Ohhh. Ok, ok let me call my mama" you said before hanging up.

You dialed your mom's number waiting for her to pick up.

"Hello" Regina answered.

"Hey ma, I need a favor" you said.

"Yo ass always need a favor, what is it?" She asked.

"Beyoncé have to go to work and i won't be back in California until tomorrow morning, so I was wondering could you pick Summer up and watch her.

"Tell Bey to drop her off, yo daddy there at the house so he can watch her until I get back" she said.



You was so excited to see your daughter, as you were getting out the truck you ended up tripping over your bag.

"Shit" you said when you fell.

"You ok?" The driver asked.

" I'm fine. Thank you" you said as you were getting up.

You dusted yourself off before you grabbed your bags, walking towards the front door. You used your keys before walking in your parents house.

"I'm back" you said out loud.

"You wake my grand baby it's gone be some problems" your dad said.

"Oh she just went down for a nap?" You asked.

"Yeah, yo mama in the room with her right now"

You put your bags down before you walked upstairs to Summer's room, she was only three months old and she was spoiled by your parents already. You smiled when you walked in the room seeing your daughter sleep in your mom's arms.

"Hey baby" Regina greeted.

"Hey ma. How was she?" You asked taking summer out of her arms.

"She was fine, ha little self getting chunky" she said.

"Yeah i know" you chuckled before kissing her cheek.


"Summer you so pretty" you said to your daughter, making her smile.

You were meeting Beyoncé at the doctor's office because Summer had to get her shots. You dressed Summer in a Superman onesie with her little booties. You did her hair before you was out the door with her. Buckling her in the car seat you pulled out your phone to take a picture of her.

"Fat ma look" you said snapping your fingers trying to get her attention.

Summer didn't look towards you not once, like she was fed up with you. You just took a picture anyways.

"Let me send this to yo mommy.

You:She didn't even try to look at the camera😭

You:She didn't even try to look at the camera😭

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Beyoncé: Cupcakeeeeee😍

Beyoncé: Damn my baby so fuckin cute dawg🥰

You: My baby too😐

Beyoncé: 🙄 Hush

Beyoncé: And I see you did her hair! Wowwww

You: yeah I did a lil something, something

You: but we on our way


You pulled up next to Beyoncé's car, getting out to get Summer and her baby bag but Bey beat you to that.

"Hey mommy cupcakes" Beyoncé smiled, kissing her daughter.

"You know how many shots she's getting?" You asked as y'all walked towards the building.

"I think like three" she said.

"My poor baby" you said.

Walking inside the doctor's office, you signed Summer in and went to sit next to Bey.

"So what chu been up to? Anymore big projects?"She asked you.

"Naw I'm on vacation right now"

You're a music producer and you also made beats as well.

"Oh so that mean you got time for me too?" She asked.

"I always got time for you" you grinned.

You and Beyoncé met about a year ago, you ran into her at the store while you were picking up some things for your party. You ended up inviting her to the party and later that night you secured the panties. You wanted to become more with her but she say you barely got time.

"We'll see how long that last" Bey said.

"Summer Y/L/N" the nurse called out.

"Right here" you said getting up.

She lead y'all towards the back to an empty room.

"Could you go ahead and take her clothes off but leave her in her diaper"the nurse said.

"Gimme her"you said reaching for your daughter.

"My mama said what chu been feeding her, she getting chunky" you said taking off her onesie T-shirt.

"That's that baby formula, she eat just like you" Beyoncé said.

"I don't eat that much" you said putting the pacifier back in her mouth.

"Don't lie like that" Beyoncé chuckled as she folded Summer's onesie.

when the doctor came back in he gave her a check up before putting her on the baby weight scale. Summer played with her feet, talking up a storm as she laid there.

"What chu talking about princess" Bey said grinning.

"Flexible just like yo mommy" you said smirked.

The doctor snickered at your joke which didn't go unnoticed by you and Beyoncé. She pinched you in the side and told you to shut up.

"Alright, I'll be back" the doctor said giving Summer back to you.

"When he come back with them needles imma step outside" Beyoncé said to you.

"For what?"

"I don't wanna be in here when he does it" she said.

"You're such a baby Bey, cry baby ass" you laughed.

When the doctor came back with his tray, Beyoncé excused herself before she went and stood outside.

"Ok so two in the left thigh and one in the right thigh"

You sat up on the table holding your daughter in your arms. She looked up at you babbling. Watching the doctor rub her thigh with the aclohol pad. When Summer was stuck with the needle, she frowned as her bottom lip poked out. Her cries filled the room.

"Awe it's ok princess" you said to your daughter.

Hearing summer cry like that brought tears to Beyoncé's eyes instantly. Beyoncé didn't go back in until the doctor walked out.

"Aweee baby" Beyoncé said coming back in the room.

Beyoncé leaned down kissing her little chunky thighs.

"You was crying and she the one that got the shots" you mumbled putting Summer's clothes back on.

Beyoncé imagines(Vol.1)Where stories live. Discover now