Rough patch

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Beyoncé sighed when she was paged to the children ward kind of confused since she had no child patient.

" hey did someone need me over here?" Bey asked the other nurse at the desk.

" oh yes I called your phone but didn't get an answer so I called the next person that was on file"

As the lady was talking instead of getting to the point Beyoncé heart started beating scared what the nurse was going to say.

"Ok,ok your point? What's going on?" Bey asked.

"Zoey Y/L/N is in room 6"

Hearing her daughter name Beyoncé heart drop, running to the room down the hall. As she got closer she heard her daughter crying. 

"What the hell happend?" Beyoncé asked Stephanie.

" calm down bey" Stephanie said.

"No! Steph I left my daughter with you and she's in fucking hospital" bey snapped.

You were glad you looked at your flight schedule because if you didn't you would've missed your flight. But you ended up getting home way before 10am, the Uber driver had just dropped you home. You wasn't even inside your house yet before your phone started ringing. Hearing that your Daughter was in the hospital you threw your bags in your car before you got in speeding to the hospital. Pulling up in the front of the hospital You had the valet to park your car.  Beyoncé was trying to calm Zoey down but she wasn't having it. The doctor couldn't even put a iv in.

You walked in the room going straight to your daughter taking her out of Beyoncé's arms.

"It's ok baby. Let daddy see"  said.

Your daughter didn't understand the two mommies situation so she called you daddy, developing the word from her cousins when she was little.

Looking at your daughter, her eyes were red and her bottom lip was swollen.

"What happened? You asked.

" she felled. Her tooth it still in her lip because she won't let the doctor get near her" Bey explained.

You looked over at Stephanie before turning your attention back to your daughter.

"I got you princess" you said.


"Man i don't wanna hear that shit Bey. I don't believe she just felled and if I find out something different I'm beating her ass" You said.

"I know and I apologize because I left her with Stephanie but I don't want you mad at me" Beyoncé said looking at You.

You looked  at Bey seeing that cute little look she gave every time you was upset with her.

"I don't want her around my daughter" you said.

"Y/N I live with her .she'll be around me and when I have to work maybe you or your mom can take her" she suggested.

"I don't know Beyoncé..... like how did she fall and do that? Like did she jump off something?"

" steph just said she felled" she said.

"But you didn't ask how" You said shaking your head.

Zoey ended up with about 6 stitches under her lips. One of her bottom tooth was gone until her adult teeth grow in. You was waiting for the hospital to discharge Zoey so you could take her home. You was going to keep her for awhile.


Beyoncé sighed when she seen the cars in the drive way. Every time she came home someone was always here. Walking in the house Stephanie stopped her from walking straight up to the room.

" hey come over here and sit here with us" Stephanie said.

" I'll pass" You said walking up the stairs.

Stephanie got up following behind Bey, She smacked Beyoncé in her head.

"What's your problem? Don't be coming in here with an attitude" she snapped,grabbing bey arm.

Beyoncé didn't want to argue and she definitely didn't want to get hit so she spoke calmly to her.

" I don't have a problem, I didn't mean to be rude I'm just tired. I'll go apologize if you want" Bey suggested.

" if I want? Women that should've been the first thing out your mouth, don't embarrass me go apologize" Stephanie said letting go her arm.

Beyoncé went back downstairs apologizing to Stephanie's friends before she headed back upstairs to get out of scrubs. She was so tired and tense she decided to take a bath. She grabbed her phone and the book she was reading before going to the bathroom. Locking the door she started the bath, Bey stripped out of her clothes. She looked at her arm seeing a bruise starting to form already.


"Come on stank, it's time for a bath" You said.

"No hair wash" Zoey told you.

" I'm not baby" You chuckled picking your daughter up.

getting her bath ready You let her pour in the bubbles making sure she don't pour a lot.You put some of her toys in the tub with her as well.

" no slashing ok"

You sat next to the tub while Zoey played with her toys, she even started singing. But Your mind went back to Stephanie saying that Zoey just felled. You didn't believe that at all.

" hey princess...... did Stephanie hit you?" You asked.

"Uncle P" Zoey said as she continued to play.

"Uncle P?" 

You was confused because you were the only child and Beyoncé only had a sister. You bathe Zoey quick,you let her stand on the body dryer since she liked it.  Once she was dry You put her on a pull up before putting baby lotion on her, dressing her in some shorts and t shirt. Looking at the time you grabbed your daughter and keys before you headed over to Stephanie's house, you was about to see who the fuck was uncle P.

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