I hate your dad part 2

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" I'll rather sleep on the streets than staying in a house with your dad" you said.

" Y/N my mom wants you there. Just ignore him, I'm pretty sure he won't say anything to you" Beyoncé said packing her suitcase.

"Noooooooo" you said.

" ok. Fine. I don't fucking care anymore" Bey said getting upset.

After Beyoncé was done packing her suitcase she took it downstairs and stayed down there. Once you realized she wasn't coming back up you went downstairs to see where she was at.

"Come on babe. You're seriously mad? You can't force me to be around your dad" you said.

"IM NOT FORCING YOU! You're fucking 28 why can't you just ignore him!? You're not a fucking child you don't have to go back and forward with him" Beyoncé snapped.

"How about you tell your dad that shit" you said back.

" fuck you Y/N you honestly don't have to go anymore. I don't want you to" She said.

" ok fine I won't the fuck" you said before walking away.

That night Bey didn't even tell you that she left. She had Julius to drop her off at the airport, putting her hoodie over her head she walked by the paparazzi without showing her face. Julius walked Bey towards her gate before leaving.


You: you could've told me you left.
You: text me when you land.

You had put your phone down before you started wrapping your hands getting ready to train.

"Hey, I thought you were going out of town?" Keith said.

" I was but me and Bey got into an argument and shit" you said moving to the punching bag.

"And you're still not leaving?"

"She told me not to come dude" you said as you begin to hit the punching bag.

"You don't suppose to listen to her! She's a woman...... I mean you are too but you know what I mean. They say stuff but don't actually mean it, she wants you there so I suggest you get your butt on a plane tonight" Keith said.

You rolled your eyes at Keith, you knew in some way he was totally right. Keith is like a brother to you, he's also an MMA fighter as well.



"So is she not coming?" Nicki asked Beyoncé.

"I don't know. I told her not to but I want her here but she doesn't like coming because of dad" Beyoncé said dabbing under her eye before any tears could fall.

"She just got to get use to it and ignore him and he'll stop" Matt said.

"It's totally different this time Matthew. You all know the reason why he doesn't like Y/N but he'll find any excuse to cover the real reason" She said.

"Because she's a girl" Nicki pointed out.

"Y/N just have to beat your dad's ass... sorry to say but it's true" Matt said.

"Her hands are license and she could go to jail" Beyoncé said.

Beyoncé let out a sigh before getting up going to her childhood room. She stripped out her clothes before she dug in her suitcase pulling out One of your old training sweatshirt. She put it on before she crawled in bed taking a nap.


You had just landed in Texas and now you were on your way to Beyoncé parents house. Calling an Uber, the drive wasn't really long and it was nice and quiet. Getting to the house you knocked on the door waiting for an answer.

"Y/N!! I thought you wasn't coming" Nicki said hugging you.

"Didn't want to upset my baby even more" you said talking about Bey.

"Oh it's you" David said looking at you in disgust.

You ignored him before going to say hi to Matt and Bey's mom.

" oh Hey sweetie, how are you?" Dianna asked as she walked towards you giving you a hug.

" I'm fine ma, how you been?" You asked.

" I've been great. Matt and Beyoncé both are upstairs sleeping so you can go up to her room.

You walked right pass David going upstairs to your girlfriend. You smiled when you seen her knocked out on the bed. Taking off your shoes and jacket you slid in bed with Her. Caressing her face and leaving kisses.

"Stop" she mumbled.

"I'm sorry baby" you chuckled.

Hearing your voice her eyes slowly opened before making eye contact with yours.

"You came" she said in a raspy voice as she buried her face in the crook of your neck.

"Yeah. I'm sorry for making you mad baby girl" you said running your fingers through her hair.

"And I'm sorry too" She said.

"I love you so much baby" you said.

Bey pulled back just so she could kiss your lips.

" I love you too babe"


"You want everything?" Beyoncé asked.

"Yes" you said from your spot on the couch.

Bey got up walking to the kitchen to fix your plate of food.

" she's suppose to be making your food not the other way around" David said.

" Nicki just fixed Matt's food and you didn't say anything, and mom fix your food all the time" Beyoncé said rolling her eyes.

" because we're the head of our household. It's different" he said.

"Well Y/N is the head at our household dad. If I want to fix my girlfriend food then I can" Bey said.

After Bey was done she brought you your food before she went back to make her own. You were in the living room waiting on Beyoncé when you hear Bey shout. You got up going to the kitchen with the others following behind you.

" you ok bae?" You asked.

" no she's not ok! Why couldn't you come fix her food!? Does she always got to do everything" David said.

You kept your eyes on Your girlfriend not saying nothing back because you knew if you opened your mouth it'll be hell in this house.

" yeah Y/N I'm fine. I'll be out in a second" Beyoncé said sending her dad a glare.

You waited for Her before walking back towards the living room.

"Come on let's eat outside" Beyoncé said.

You followed right behind her sitting on the patio.

" you're beautiful" you said looking at your girlfriend.

" thank you baby. So are you" she said blushing.

You smiled at her as you ate your food.

" I'm proud of you. You didn't even say a word to him and I know for a fact that's eating him up on the inside" Beyoncé said.

" yeah I'll rather do that then beat the shit out of him" you said.

" yeah not that. Then I'll have to visit my dad in a hospital and you in a jail" She said.

"I know babe" you said.

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