Teacher part 2

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"Ok this is my place. You and Ava can share the guest room" you said putting your keys on the key hook.

"T-they said she could live here not me" Beyoncé said holding her sleeping daughter in her arms.

"Look I know for a fact you don't want to be without your daughter. And I'll feel much better if you were here too" you said.

"I can't thank you enough for this. I'm very thankful for you" Beyoncé said.

" it's no problem. Let me show you the guest room"

Walking down the hall with Beyoncé behind you,You showed her the guest room.

"Make yourself at home and don't be afraid to ask for anything" you said smiling at her.


You closed the door before you went to change into something more comfortable. Once you got dressed you headed to your kitchen.

"Ms. Y/L/N"

"You can call me Y/N" you said.

"Could I leave Ava here so I could go get some clothes for us?" Beyoncé asked.

"Sure, go ahead" you said.


Sitting on the couch strolling on the internet you heard a cry. Jumping up quickly you went to the guest room seeing Ava sitting up in bed.

"What's wrong baby girl?"

" I want my mommy" Ava cried.

You went over picking her to take her to the living room with you.

"We're gonna wait for mommy right here. She'll be back any minute" you said to the little girl.

Sitting down with Ava in your lap, you placed the laptop on the free space on your leg.

"So Ava I was looking at some pretty shoes.wanna help me pick some?" You asked.

"Yes" she mumbled as she cuddled more into you.

Strolling through the shoes you put every shoe Ava pointed at in your basket. Ordering the shoes for her.

"I'm hungry" Ava said.

" alright sunshine, let's go see what we can find" you said walking in the kitchen with Ava.

You sat her down at the table, giving her your iPad to play the games your nephews downloaded on there.

"I'm back" you heard Beyoncé said.

" mommy! In here" Ava shouted.

"Hold on baby. Just a second" She said before she went to put the bags in the guess room.

Coming in the kitchen Beyoncé sat Down next to her daughter kissing on top of her head.

"Watcha got there baby?" Bey asked.

"Y/N let me play games" Ava said.

By the look on Beyoncé's face you knew she was about to say something to the little girl about calling you by your first name but you stopped her.

"It's fine. I told her to call me that... except for when we're in school" you said.

"I'm making dinner so I hope you're hungry like me and Ava" you chuckled.

"Very" Beyoncé said.


~4 weeks later~

" I got the job! I got it" Beyoncé yelled running in your room.

"What!? Seriously they called you!?"

"Yes! Thank you, thank you" Beyoncé said smiling at you.

"Honestly Bey it was all you. I just told them that a friend of mines put in an application" you said.

You found out that they were hiring more assistant teachers and you told Beyoncé to apply. You guys had gotten closer over the pass couple of weeks.

"I'm like so excited to start. I finally can start back over" She said.

Beyoncé wiped away the tears that felled down her cheeks,She was so happy.

"Awe bey don't cry" you said pulling her in a hug.

Beyoncé wrapped her arms around you breathing in your scent.

"I'm proud of you" you said smiling at her.

"I have a question. You don't have to say but I just wanted to know"

"Go ahead" you said.
Beyoncé got all shy and nervous.

"Umm. I was wondering when I get my first paycheck could I take you out.... on a date" She asked picking at her nails.

"I'll love that Beyoncé" you smiled.

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