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He was obsessed with Beyoncé , ever since she was 16. Over time she definitely became even more sexier and his attraction for her grew. He went to every event she had, he didn't care about the price he just wanted to see her. But he got angry when she started dating famous ufc fighter Y/N, he wanted Beyoncé to be with him and that's when his plotting started.

"You're gonna do so well baby, you're gonna win this fight" Bey said as she sat in your lap holding your face.

"Thank you baby" you said kissing her as your hands rested on her waist.

"Love you" Beyoncé mumbled.

"I love you too my beautiful queen" you said smiling.

Just as your manager walked in you stood up with Beyoncé still in your arms.

" sorry Beyoncé but I need your girlfriend" you manager said.

You placed Her down back on her feet before you took her hand.

" babe what are you doing?" Bey asked as she followed you.

" I want you to walk out with me" you said smiling at her.

"You serious!?, I'm so excited! Im gonna feel like I'm about to fight" she squealed.

You laughed at how excited your girlfriend was just to walk out with you. Getting to the exit your team stood waiting for you. as soon as that song came on you and Beyoncé both walked in the middle of your team hand in hand.

The crowd went wild screaming out your name, you had your game face on mean mugging as you walked down the aisle. While you was mean mugging you looked over at your girlfriend who had the biggest smile on her face and that just made you laugh.

" beat her ass baby " Bey said pecking your lips.

He came out to the fight, not to watch you and your opponent fight but to watch Beyoncé. He took a bunch of pictures of Her, mainly the back of her head and every now and then he'll get a side angle. He disappeared before the fight was over.


"Make sure she's icing that eye at home please" your manager said to Your girlfriend.

"Yes of course" Beyoncé said holding your gym bag for you as they gathered up your stuff.

You didn't exit the building with your team this time since Beyoncé was here. You was ready to go so once Bey was done talking you guys left.

" why you so down babe? You won" She asked.

" I wanted a K.O" you mumbled.

" seriously Y/N? You still wonnnnn" she said.

"I'm your biggest fan in the world" Henry said popping up out of nowhere.

" thanks" you said.

" oh no. Not you, her" he smiled looking at Beyoncé.

" wow, that's tuff" you chuckled.

" thanks, you want a picture?" Beyoncé asked.

" I proposed to you 12 times already" Henry said.

" wow 12 times?Damn!" You laughed.

" I guess that's a no on the picture" She said awkwardly.

" I have a bunch of pictures already" he said.

The guys was definitely starting to act creepy. You grabbed Bey's hand moving her to the other side of you.

"Alright man it was nice meeting you but we're gonna go" you said.

Beyoncé imagines(Vol.1)Where stories live. Discover now