My little dancer part 3

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"I can't believe she's letting you come" Beyoncé said.

"It's a world tour and that means I won't get to see you so I had to come. I'll miss you too much" You said wrapping your arms around Beyoncé's waist.

" You're so cute" Bey giggled.

" why she here" Ashely said when she seen the blonde Courtney walk in.

Courtney walked over to you and  Beyoncé once she spotted y'all.

" so you think you're the shit now huh!?"Courtney said talking to Bey.

You held your hand out so Courtney wouldn't come any closer.  Courtney had everyone attention in the studio. They didn't see Nicole standing at the door.

" you think she's perfect! Well guess what!? She's a homeless slut. Begging people for money. Did you know she fucked Alex for $40? And that night you guys went to that hotel, she probably used you so she could have a place to sleep that night" Courtney said.

" you have no fucking right!!" Beyoncé said pointing her finger at Courtney with tears in her eyes.

"You don't deserve to be going on this world tour"

"You been using my daughter?" Nicole asked as she walked closer.

"No! I like Y/N so much" Bey said with tears rolling down her cheeks.

" I swear on my dead baby I wasn't using her. Yes I'm homeless and yes I begged for money and food because how else am I going to get it. I never did anything with Alex, I'll rather get it on my own then to ask anyone I have to work with" Beyoncé said to Nicole.

You stood there shocked you didn't know what to do or say. Beyoncé turned back to Courtney.

"If you say I don't deserve to go on this world tour because I'm homeless then fine. But a bitch like you don't deserve it at all" Beyoncé said before walking out not even looking at You.

"Beyoncé" Ashely called out before she went running after Bey.

"We need to talk"  Nicole said to you.

"And someone escort this girl out" Nicole said pointing at Courtney.

"And if any of this information leave this room and I find out who put it out you'll regret it" Nicole said to everyone.

you ignored your Mama before going after Bey. She was crying as Ashely held her.

"Bey" You said.

" I-I didn't play you. I swear" Beyoncé sobbed.

" hey don't cry Please" You said stepping closer to Bey wiping the tears from her cheeks.

" why didn't you tell me?" You asked.

" you really think someone can just come out and say they're homeless!?" Ashely said getting defensive.

"You're fucking famous, you really think that if she would've told you that she was homeless!!you wouldn't even give her a second glance"

" what's your problem!? You like her or something?" You yelled back.

" no she's just a friend of mines and I care about her" Ashely said.

"Guys stop fussing please. Ashely could you give us a moment please" Bey said wiping under her eyes.

Once Ashely walked away Beyoncé turned to face You.

" I like you Bey and you being homeless don't change that. The other night with you at that hotel was the best time of my life. But I wish I would've knew because I could've helped you out" You

"It's fine Y/N  but your mom isn't going to allow you to keep talking to me" Beyoncé Said.

" I'll deal with her"


They were all loading onto the bus when Jerome called Beyoncé off her bus.

"Nicole wants to have a word with you" Jerome said.

Beyoncé heart dropped when Jerome told her Nicole wanted to talk with her. She followed Jerome onto the first bus, the first person she saw was You sitting on the couch.

"She'll be out in a few" he said before walking towards the back of the bus.

"What's going on?" Beyoncé asked You.

" I don't know" you said.

It didn't go unnoticed how tori kept looking at Bey. You never really broke off their little fling, you just stopped replying to her messages and stuff. Nicole finally came out her little room in the back.

"How long has this been going on?" Nicole asked.

" for about 3 weeks" Beyoncé answered.

" had sex?" Nicole asked with one eyebrow raised.

"Mama. No" You lied.

Beyoncé looked over at You before she turned her attention back to your mom.

"Yes we have" Beyoncé said not about to lie.

" so we lying to each other now?" Nicole asked you.

"Mama that's personal, I don't ask about you and dad" you said sitting up.

"We're the parents. And last time I checked I gave birth to you not the other way around"

" how old are you Beyoncé?" Nicole asked.

"18. I'm sorry for causing trouble, I honestly didn't mean to. I came to California for a better life in pursuing my dream. I didn't know I was auditioning for your tour, I didn't even know who she was"Bey said.

" is your parents homeless too or just you" She asked.

" just me..... I got kicked out when my parents found out I was pregnant"

"I don't mind y'all talking but don't go making no damn babies because the both of y'all is young" Nicole said.

"Yes We understand" Beyoncé said.


"So you fuckin with that bitch now?" Tori asked.

"Come on Tori, chill with all that" you said.

"So you just forget about us!? You ain't even tell me shit" she said.

"We wasn't together! You just wanted to fuck around and I don't want that and I'm happy with Bey" you said before walking away.

"Alright. We gone see" she said.

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