Not In Front Of My Friends

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"So is it confirmed that game night is at Y/L/N's house?" Ryan asked Jason.

"Definitely. And no you can't have the recliner chair" Jason said putting his things away in his locker.

"Oh please! it's first come first serve" Jessie said walking in with Nathan.

You walked in chuckling how they all were fussing over your favorite chair.

"6pm y'all boys" You said before grabbing your bag leaving.

You left out the office remembering to stop by the store to pick up some ice cream for your pregnant wife. And right on cue Beyoncé was calling you.

"Yes my love?" You answered as you started your car.

"Don't forget my ice cream pleaseee" Bey said.

"I won't, I'm on my way to pick it up now" You said.

"Ok baby, see you when you get here" she said before hanging up.


"Got your ice cream" you said walking in the room with a spoon as well.

"Hi baby" Beyoncé smiled holding her arms out for You.

You kissed Bey before rubbing her belly.

"Thank you" she said grabbing the spoon and ice cream from you.

You took your phone and wallet out your pocket before taking your jacket off, throwing it over the chair that sat in the corner of the room.

"How was work?" Beyoncé asked as she dug right into the ice cream.

" it was alright" you said taking your shirt.

Beyoncé ate her ice cream as she watched You undress in front of her. You looked at Bey watch you, chuckling at how she was watching you like a tv show.

" you enjoying this?" You asked.

" very much. Hurry up and take your pants off" Beyoncé said.

" put that ice cream down and come take them off of me" You said smirking.

"Umm, I think not" she said.


When You opened the door Ryan, Jason, and Jessie all rushed towards the recliner chair.

"Aye! Don't don't break anything" You said closing the door.

"Beyoncé up there sleeping man?" Nathan asked.

" Naw she's watching a movie" You said.

Nathan walked over towards the bottom of the stairs before he shouted up to Bey.

"Hey Bey, it's Nate!"

"Hey Nate!" She shouted back.

"Hey Bey" the rest of them shouted.

You brought out the snacks and beers for everyone. During the game You would get up every now and then to go check up on your wife to see if she needed anything. After the game was over y'all all sat around laughing and joking.

"All I'm saying is shit get done with me, Nathan and Jason" Ryan said.

"It's sad how they need three people to process a crime scene" You said to Jessie.

You and Jessie were the only two females on the team.

"It's not even like that and you know it" Nathan said.

"Sureeeee" Jessie laughed.

"At least we can all agree on that I'm the fastest" You said with a grin.

"Woahhhh there, let's not get ahead of yourself" Jessie said.

" I ain't gone lie Y/N my dawg Jessie be eating them guys down" Nathan said clapping Jessie up.

"Yeah and then I'm shooting right past her" you said.

"Wow, it's almost 11pm. It's getting pretty late" Beyoncé said coming downstairs.

"We just getting shit started Bey" Ryan said.

Ryan looked down at his phone when it went off.

" never mind" Ryan mumbled when he seen his wife's text.

" yeah I thought so" Bey said.

"Well it was fun but my lady spoke" You said getting up.

You said bye to everyone before you started cleaning up the living room while Beyoncé went to raid the refrigerator.

"Awe man we're out of pickles" she said.

Coming back out the the living room Beyoncé seen the empty pickle jar on the end table.

" Y/N! Uhn Uhn, you let them eat my pickles!"

" I promise I'll buy you some more" you said pecking her lips as you passed by her to take the trash outside.

"Two at that!" She said.

A/N: got this idea from watchin csi: Miami🤦🏽‍♀️

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