Juvenile part 3

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Beyoncé was definitely in deep shit. It's been over a month since You and bey had sex in her office and now she was pregnant with a minor's child.

"Matt I don't know what to do. I could lose my job and go to fucking jail" Beyoncé said on the verge of tears.

Pacing her office while she had her best friend on the phone. She was so glad she asked for her office to be sound proof.

"You won't get in trouble if nobody know. But I think you should explain everything to her"Matt said.

"She's not going to want this baby! She's young they don't want to be held down!" Beyoncé said getting frustrated now with tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Oh hush you don't know that. Hang up this phone and go tell her and make sure you call me tonight" Matt said.

And that's what bey did, she hung up the phone and sat there in silence to collect herself before she called one of the guards to bring You to her office. In that little time Beyoncé thought about what she was going to say.

"Ms. Knowles can you tell this nigga to stop dragging me like I'm some fucking doll" You said coming into the room.

"Would you shut up" the guard said before sitting you down.

Beyoncé walked the guard out before she closed her door and locked it before she walked back over to her desk.

"Im pregnant" Beyoncé blurted out.

"And you might not want this baby but I'm not giving you a fucking choice. You're going to be there for our baby and I refuse to let my baby grow up without the other parent there supporting so you need to get your shit together in here" Beyoncé said.

You sat there shocked, you didn't want a kid right now but you did make a promise to yourself... you promise yourself that if you was to ever have a kid you'll never treat them how your dad and mother treated you.

"Um. Ok..... so I'm..... im gonna be a Mama" You said staring down at your hands.

"Yes" Beyoncé Said.

"I don't want to miss anything. I wanna get out of here.  Can I join a few programs?" You asked.

"You'll miss some Y/N, the shortest I could lower your time is to 4 months and I'll be 5 months then, not really sure" bey explained.



"Are you going to keep looking at my stomach. I won't be showing anytime soon Y/N" Beyoncé chuckled.

She had came to visit You on your visitation hour. She thought she'll make it a routine.

"I just can't believe you pregnant with my baby. I'm 17 with a baby on the way" You said.

"Is it cool if i touch your belly?" You asked.

"Um yeah" Beyoncé said moving closer to You.

Beyoncé looked around making sure nobody was watching. They were sat under a big oak tree and she was pretty sure the tree was blocking them but she had to make sure. Beyoncé lifted her shirt up before leaning back on her hands. You placed your hand over Beyoncé flat stomach, gently caressing her stomach.

"So when will you know what you're having?" You asked.

"What we're having" Beyoncé corrected.

"And maybe when I'm about 3 or 4 months"

"I don't want to be like my parents but I feel like I am. I have a street mentality" you said with your hand still on Beyoncé.

"That'll change over time. My dad wasn't in my life and still isn't and I don't want that for our baby...... I can't have that"

"You see how you're not giving me a choice. What if I would've said no?" You asked.

" I'm a very determined person. I would've put my foot up your ass" Beyoncé said making You chuckle.

"Don't go shopping without me" You laughed.

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