Never Had A Bad Girl part 3

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"Bey I need you tonight" John said.

" and how long will this be?" Beyoncé asked.

"What? Does it matter?" He asked.

"Yes because I have a date tonight" Beyoncé said biting into her sandwich.

"A date with who?" John asked his daughter.

"With my girlfriend" she mumbled.

"Girlfriend? When did you get a girlfriend and when did I ever tell you that you could start dating!?"

"Daddy I'm 17, I'm old enough to date" Bey said rolling her eyes.

"Where does this girl live and where did you meet her?" John asked crossing his arms.

"What's going on?" Tina asked when she walked into the dining room.

"Beyoncé says she have a girlfriend. Do you know about this?" He asked.

"No. I thought my own daughter would've told me about this" Tina said eyeing Bey.

"It's not a big deal" Beyoncé said.

" yes it is! Because that mean your focus isn't on the important things"

"Now tell me where you met him!?" John yelled.

" I met her at a party 3 months ago"

"You've been seeing this girl for 3 months and didn't think about telling us not once?" Tina asked.

" because I know you guys won't approve of the relationship" Bey said.

" where does she stay?"

Beyoncé looked at her dad before her attention went back on picking her nails.

"On the north side" Bey mumbled.

"Come again?" her dad said.

"The north side" Beyoncé said more clearly.

"Bey no" Tina said shaking her head.

"You must be out of your fucking mind if you think I'm going to let you talk to some girl from north side" John chuckled.

"She's not like what you think" Bey said.

"Then I want her name" John said.

"No, I'm done with this" Beyoncé said getting up from the table.

"Sir your butt down because you're not going anywhere" Tina said.

" give me a name or I'm taking the phone and just look for myself" he said.

Beyoncé sat back down, she honestly couldn't stand her parents sometimes.

"Y/F/N" Bey said.


~next day~

You ended up at Beyoncé's school in the morning since y'all was suppose to went out on a date last night but she never answered you back. You waited for Bey, not expecting her to be dropped off. Beyoncé didn't notice You as she walked towards the entrance.

"Beyoncé" You called out.

Beyoncé turned around seeing You standing there.

"What happened yesterday?" You asked.

" I'm sorry, I got into it with my parents" she said looking at you.

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