Welcome Home

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"I know you're glad to be home captain Y/L/N"

" yeah I am. I miss my wife and son like crazy" you said smiling just thinking about them.

You had finish serving your 6 years and you decided that you were done and was now going to focus on your family. Your son was 4 years old and you didn't want to miss anymore of his life. Pulling up in front of your house you said bye to everyone before you walked up on the front porch. It's was now 3 in the morning so you knew Beyoncé and your son was sleep. You pulled out your keys before opening the door, the house was quiet but you heard soft music coming from upstairs. You put your bag down by the door taking off your boots before following the soft music. It was coming from your son room. Walking inside he laid on his bed knocked out. You smiled down at him sleeping, he was absolutely everything to you. You gently picked him up before taking him to the room with you. You laid him on the bed behind Beyoncé while you stripped out of your ACU. Climbing in be you pulled your son closer to you.

"Don't tell me this a dream" you heard Beyoncé say.

You chuckled lightly before opening your eyes looking over at your wife.

"Hey baby" you said smiling over at Beyoncé.

"You're home" Beyoncé cried.

"Yeah I'm home" you said sitting up.

"Come here"

Beyoncé got out of bed walking around to your side before attacking you with a hug.

"I missed you so much baby" she sobbed.

" I'm here now love, I'm not going anywhere" you said kissing her neck.

"Hey papa, look who's here" Bey said shaking her son lightly.

"Get up baby someone is here to see you" Bey said.

Anthony opened his eyes before he looked around.

"Mama!"He said with a smile.

"Hey bud. I missed you" you said hugging him properly.

"Are you staying this time?" He asked with a sad face.

"Yes tony I'm done. I'm not going back, I'm staying right here with you and mommy" you said kissing his head.

"Good cause mommy say ha pregnant" Anthony said.

"Anthony" Bey said rubbing her forehead.

"You're pregnant?" You asked looking at your wife.

"Yeah I am" she said giving you a crooked smile.

"How many months? 2? 3?" You asked.

"The last time your was here was 6 months ago baby" Beyoncé said.

" I'm 5 months" She said.

" I forgot you don't start showing until you're bout 7 months. But I'm here now, I'm ready for the midnight snack runs" you said rubbing her stomach.

" Your brother would be glad to hear that because I've been sending him" Beyoncé laughed.

"Yeah I have to go see them today" you said letting your son play with your dog tag around your neck.

" I don't know what I would've did if I would've got that instead of you" Bey said talking about the dog tag.

" I wasn't going to let that happened. I can never leave you guys" you said.


"Oh Y/N I'm so glad you're home" your mom cried.

"Yeah me too mama" you said smiling.

" I should get uncle of the year" Corey said.

"You did" Beyoncé said wrapping her arm around Corey.

"Thanks again for taking care of my  family while I was away. You're the best little brother" you said.

"So What are y'all going to do today?" Your mom asked.

"Well I'm taking Bey and Tony out somewhere, I'm not sure yet. But tomorrow I want to have a family dinner" you said.

"That's fine with me baby" your mom said.

Your son came over to you raising his arms for you to pick him up and you did. You didn't care that he was 4, he was still your baby.

"My sweet boy" you said kissing his head.

"I want your phone" he said.

"My phone? For what bud?" You asked.

"He likes to watch Kids YouTube but I'm pretty sure you don't have it on your phone so you have to download it" Beyoncé said giving Anthony her phone.

He sat in your lap watching videos, some of them caught your attention too. You y'all stayed at your mother's house for awhile before deciding to leave.

"So where do you plan on taking us?" Beyoncé asked.

"Well first we're gonna go home and change. I was thinking about jungle island and then out to eat?"

"That sounds good baby" Beyoncé looking in the the back checking on tony.

" I was thinking about cutting his hair" Bey said.

"Not all of it, something low" you said l.

You liked your son's hair, he have beautiful curls.

"Ok, we can do that too" Bey said grabbing your hand.

" I'm so glad you're home"

Beyoncé imagines(Vol.1)Where stories live. Discover now