Baby sitter

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"I don't want her around my child and I meant what i said!" Beyonce said to You.

"He's my son too Beyoncé and Vanessa is in my life and you're just gonna have to except that" You said staring at Bey.

"So it's ok for her to be around Kamari but I'm not allowed to have my friend around him"

"Yes exactly. Vanessa is my wife and that Fucking boy is just a friend or whatever" you said.

"Well you should've kept your dick In your pants in the first place then we wouldn't be in this predicament"

" you wanted it bey so don't even go there. As soon as you were 18 you was practically begging me to pound your guts in" You said stepping closer to her.

" it's not fair!! You can be with someone but I can't! You don't tell me what to do" Beyoncé yelled.

"What I say goes Beyoncé end of discussion" You said In a stern voice.

"I'll take Mari and I'll leave, How bout that" bey Said.

You was quick, you had Bey by her shirt pressing her up against the wall.

"I will kill you if you think about leaving with my damn son! He stays here!" You yelled.

"Do you understand!?" You asked.

"Y-yes" Beyoncé mumbled.

Beyoncé sighed when You left her house, she went upstairs to her room to check up on her son. He laid on his side in his crib sleeping. Bey made sure to always leave him on his side when she wasn't in the room, she was too scared that he'll spit up and choke. She grabbed her phone calling her boyfriend to come over. She didn't care what You said, if you couldn't respect what she said she wasn't gonna respect what you said, you get what you give. But it wasn't always like this, You used to be so sweet and loving.

How it all started

"Mama I'm leaving now" Beyoncé said to her mom.

" ok and be careful Bey, they might have cameras up in there house watching you so don't do nothing Stupid" she said.

" I won't Mama"

Beyoncé made her way down the street, she was babysitting for the Y/L/N's tonight. She heard the family was loaded with money so she wasn't going to pass the opportunity up.  Once she got there Bey knocked on the door waiting for someone to answer.

"Oh come in" you said when you opened the door.

"Hey Mrs. Y/L/N " Beyoncé said smiling at you.

"How are you Beyoncé ?" You asked.

" pretty good actually. I'm actually excited that I'm finally starting to make some money, I'm a senior and thing are expensive this year" Bey said sitting on the couch.

"Well good thing you got this job" You said giving her a little smirk.

Then came the flirting

" hey Y/N could you come get this for me? I can't reach it" Bey yelled out to the living room but not too loud to wake the kids up.

You walked in the kitchen moving to grab what she was asking for. You reached over her pressing yourself up against her with one hand on her waist getting what she was pointing at. You heard Beyoncé gasp but you smirked when you felt her push back against you.

"Thank you Y/N" bey smiled.

"You're welcome shorty. You should've ate your vegetables, you could've been big and strong" you said pointing at your muscles.

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