Guidance part 2

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"Yo get up" You said snatching the blanket off Anthony.

" come on, it's cold" Anthony said balling up in a ball.

" come on man get yo ass up" you said.

Anthony groaned as he got out the bed, he looked towards the window seeing the sun wasn't even up.

" what the fuck! The sun not even up" Anthony argued.

" aye watch yo mouth jit" You said smacking him in the back of his head.

"Put on some gym pants and a T-shirt" You before leaving out the room.

You had Anthony for three days now and you had to get on the teenager multiple times. You also been texting Beyoncé too, trying to get to know her better.

" where the breakfast at?" Tony asked comin in the kitchen.

" you better eat some cereal my boy because I can't cook" You said.

" that's why I should've been homeeee"

" why? So you can disrespect yo mama?"

" so I can't eat some food!" Tony said grabbing a blow so he can eat cereal.


" when you go to police academy you gotta work out?" Tony asked as he laid on the mat.

" yeah, you gotta be in shape. Thinking about becoming a police officer?" You asked.

" I don't know. I probably want to do basketball, I'm pretty good at it now" he said.

" well if you want to play basketball that mean you gotta stop skipping and pay attention in class. You can't play basketball with no fucked up grades"

" yeah I know"


"How is it over there?" Beyoncé asked.

" it's alright, she gets me up at 6 to work out" Anthony told his mom.

" well at least you get to work out now, you always said you wanted to go to a gym" Beyoncé said.

" have dad been over here?" Tony asked.

" yeah, just banging on the windows and door" Beyoncé said.

" can we move? He won't know where we at, we can run from him" Tony said to his mom.

" Tony I don't have money like that, it's hard to find a three bedroom that's cheap enough for me to pay" Beyoncé said.

" I can help you mama, I can start working or something" he said.

" you're 14 you can't get a job. Don't worry about it, mama got this" Beyoncé said smiling at her son.


You smiled when Bey opened the door for you. Letting you in she locked the door behind y'all.

"Hi" Bey said as she wrapped her arms around Your neck pecking your lips.

"Wassup" you said with a smirk.

" how was work?" Bey asked.

"It was alright, I'm just tired as hell" You mumbled as you followed Bey over to the couch.

"You hungry?" Beyoncé asked.

" yeah, hungry for you" You said pulling bey on your lap.

Beyoncé moved so she was straddling your lap before she crashed her lips into yours. Your hands ran from her waist down to her butt slipping your hands in her shorts. Beyoncé moaned into your mouth when you squeezed her ass. You moved your lips down to Beyoncé's neck biting a patch of her skin.

"Wait stop" Beyoncé said grabbing Your hands.

" what's wrong baby?" You asked.

" w-what is this?...... I'm too old for games Y/N, I have kids and I need something stable for us.I can't go through the same thing again" Bey said looking at You.

"Baby I want you and them kids. I know you come with a package but I don't mind at all. I really wanna be with you Bey" you said.

You stood up with Bey in your arms walking to her room.


"You fucked my mama" Anthony said when he got in Your car.

"Huh? What you talking bout?" You said trying to play it off.

" Naw nigga don't play dumb! I saw you, you was here last night. Don't be trying to play my mom man! I'm serious" Tony said.

" bruh it's not even like that, I like your mom. I ain't gonna treat her bad" You said.

" well since you smashin my moms cheeks we need a place to stay" Tony said.

"Woah bruh, that's too fast" You chuckled.

" come on man, I'm trying to get my mom away from my dad. She said he's been coming back around the house"

" come on, what about the little house in the back? I'll work for it" he said.

" Ight deal"


A/N: part 3?

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