Repair shop part 2

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"Y/N I tried all that and it's still not turning on" Beyoncé Said trying to get her computer to work.

"Don't stress it babe I'm on my way to yours" you said.

"I don't want to bother you baby. You just got off work" bey Said still messing with her computer.

"I'm fine. But do you want something while I'm out?" You asked your girlfriend.

"Just you" she smiled.

"Alright then" you said before hanging up.

It's been a year since you first met Beyoncé, everything was perfect.... she's perfect. You couldn't get enough of Beyoncé ,it's like she did voodoo on you or some shit. She wasn't the best cook but she was satisfactory in everything else.

It didn't take you long to get to Beyoncé's house. Pulling up right next to her car you got out going inside, unlocking the door with your key.

"Bey" you called out.

"Hi baby" Beyoncé squealed coming out the kitchen.

She wrapped her arms around your neck pulling you down for a kiss.

"Well someone is happy to see me" you laughed.

"Always" She said pecking your lips again.

"did you wear those pants to work?" Beyoncé asked with an raised eyebrow.

" nothing was showing.. I promise" you said rolling your eyes.

"Bet not. Now come come see what's wrong with my computer"

You walked over to the desktop that was in the corner. Beyoncé smacking your ass when you leaned over. You just shook your head at your girlfriend. The computer cords were all tangled up so you decided to just unplug everything and detangled the cords. Seeing one cords already unplug you followed the cord which led to the computer monitor.

"I think I found the problem baby. Your computer monitor wasn't plugged up" you said.

You detangled everything before plugging it back up.

"Wow. And I would've brought I new desktop" Beyoncé said.

"Yeah I know"'you said sitting down on the couch.

"So how was your day baby?" Beyoncé asked sitting next you.

"It was long. I got snapped on today by an old lady"

"Awe babe really? Tell me about it Beyoncé said as she put her hair up in a ponytail.

"Yeah she already came in with a crappy attitude and..... what are you doing?" You asked.

As you were talking Beyoncé put her hand in your pants pulling your dick out.

"Nothing babe. Finish telling me about your day. I want to hear about it" She said before wrapping her lips around your dick.

"Uhhh....ummm... she was just.... fuck"

Not even caring about the lady that snapped on you. You were to busy focusing on Beyoncé giving you head right now. You wrapped your hand around her ponytail moving her head up and down. Beyoncé held your dick with both hands as she sucked the tip of your dick.

"Fuck that feels good baby" you moaned.

Beyoncé looked up at you as she took you all the way in her mouth. You kept her head still, thrusting in her mouth before she pulled back gasping for air. Beyoncé stood up stripping out her clothes in front of you before she straddled you.

"You're so beautiful" you said wrapping your arms around her naked body.

"You make me feel beautiful" she said kissing your lips.

You slipped right in her making her gasp.

"So Fucking tight" you said looking at Bey.


"That was so good. I needed that" you said.

"I know you did baby" Beyoncé said kissing your neck.

"I didn't even gets to ask about your day" you said.

"I literally sat home doing nothing but homework and some online shopping" Bey said.

"Christmas shopping?"

"Yeah. My little brother wants this hot wheels set. He's going to want you to help him put it together.

" yeah I know" you said laughing.

" my mom is coming over for Christmas" you said.

"Oh. Ok... that's fine she could come over too if she wants" Beyoncé Said.

"You sure? Ask your parents to make sure" you said.

"Ok baby" Bey said pecking your lips.

"I got to start telling you about my day all the time" you said causing Beyoncé to laugh out loud.

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