Like Me part 2

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"Y/N, Kai isn't home yet and it's going on 7" Beyoncé said walking in your office.

" you called him?" You asked.

" not answering. I know something is wrong" Beyoncé said.

Just as you was about to call one of your guys to go look for Kai, you had got a call.

"Hello" you answered.

" Hey Y/N I wanted to tell you that your kid is down here at the station and Pete is drillin his ass hard" Henry said.

" shit" you said getting up.

"Thanks bruh"

"What happened?" Bey asked.

"He's at the police station" you said going downstairs with Beyoncé right behind you.


"We all know that you robbed the damn store kid! And I believe you did the other robbery at the fish market down the street" Pete said.

"I asked for a lawyer and I ain't get one yet! Do you even suppose to be talking to me without my mama?" Kai said back.

Kai wasn't no dumb kid, he learned a lot from his parents especially his mama.  The cop knew Kai was right and if you were there he wouldn't have did all that. You was untouchable and you put fear in everyone because they knew what you did. You could shoot a cop and look for no consequences, you had diplomatic immunity. Walking in the police station you immediately asked for your son.

"Pete! What the fuck are you doing!?" You asked walking inside the interrogation room.

You pushed Pete up against the wall as you had him jacked up.

"Just asking yo boy a few questions" he said.

"Without his parents!? He's a minor and you know that! Pete dont fuck with me" you said looking at him.

"Y/N let my officer go or get the hell out my station" Marie said.

"If I walk out of here my son gonna be right behind me" you said letting Pete go.

"That's not happening" Marie said.

"Well he needs to leave because what he was doing wasn't protocol" Beyoncé said.

Marie looked at bey before rolling her eyes.

"Let's go Pete" Marie said.

You and Marie had history. You used to mess around with her before you met Bey. You used to feed a bunch of lies to her, back When you first started to build your name you was a dog. That was until you met Beyoncé, once you got Bey pregnant you left Marie alone and now after all these years she still  hate your guts.

"What did you do?" Beyoncé asked Kai.

Kai looked at bey before looking over at you.

" I robbed the corner store" he said.

" Kai!" Bey said.

You just stared at your son, trying to figure out why he robbed a store. Marie came back in with a file, dropping it on the table.

"I only need one of you in here" Marie said looking at Bey as they made eye contact.

" go wait out there baby" you said to Bey.

Beyoncé took her eyes off Marie before she grabbed your jaw kissing your lips before her eyes went back to Marie.

" ok"

"So the store clerk said there was two other boys with you" Marie said.

" I don't know" Kai said.

" Kai you gotta give me something or you're going to jail" she said.

"What's his charges?" You asked.

"Armed robbery with the possession of an unregistered gun so that's 2-15 years" she said.

"Kai im pretty sure you're aware that you can't do jail time but you can get probation but you see the thing is.... me and my guys would make it our personal duty to make sure you do time behind bars, rather your mama like it or not. So help me help you"

"I ain't no snitch" Kai said.

" Y/N can I show you something real quick" Marie said getting up.

You followed Marie out the room into another one. Looking on the tv they had the surveillance video up on the screen.

"You see your son here, now watch the two boys?"

You watched as the two boys dipped on your son. You walked out going back to your son.

"Give me a minute"

You walked back in slapping your son.

"You tryna be like me!?" You asked him.

" you can't be like me Kai!"

"Why not!?" He yelled back.

"Kai this ain't shit to play with man! I did it because I didn't have a Choice but you do! Son I'll kill you before I let you grow up like me" you said looking him in his eyes.

" you can't stop me from doing something I like" he said.

"Bitch boy you ain't even good at it!? You got caught! These niggas you tryna protect left yo ass! They don't care about you black ass" you snapped.

"When this lady come back in here you better tell her the names" you said.

"I'm not no snitch!"

You went to call Marie in so Kai can get this over with.

"Ready to give me some names?" Marie asked.

"I ain't sayin nothing" Kai said looking at you.

"Kai I swear to God I'll knock you out if you don't give this lady them boys names" you said.

Before you could even hit him Beyoncé stepped in the room.

"Kai would you please do it, it's not worth it. Them boys are not your friends, you protect your real friends like that" Bey said.

Beyoncé knew she had to get in her son head knowing it'll be easier.

"Y- You wanna be like your mama right? Your mama didn't do that. And if you sit here and take the blame then you go to jail. How are you gonna learn from mama if you're in jail?" Bey said.

" but I'm the one that robbed him" Kai said.

" they don't have the protection you have baby. Take the probation so we can go home"Beyoncé said.

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