My Girls

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Beyoncé had one leg draped over You as she slept while her face was practically buried in Your neck. Ava woke up from her bad dream, sitting up in her bed. Her night light lit up half the room but it was still too dark for her. Ava couldn't take her eyes off the closet, thinking the scary man in her dreams was there. Ava ran to her parents room, jumping right in their bed thinking the guy was chasing her.

"MAMA!" Ava shouted as soon as she jumped on the bed, landing on Beyoncé's leg.

You quickly grabbed the gun you kept strapped between your bed and night stand. Keeping it at your side as you looked around the room to see what was going on. Bey also woke up in the process.

"What's going on?" Beyoncé asked in her sleepy voice.

" a scary man was in my dreams and now he's in my closet" the four year old said.

" princess it was just a dream" You said looking at your daughter.

" I want to sleep with you and mommy" Ava said giving you those famous puppy dog eyes.

" how about this baby girl. Mama goes and check out your room while we cuddle"

With that being said Ava got under the blanket moving closer to her mom. Beyoncé wrapped her daughter up in her arms kissing her forehead.

" I'll be back" You said putting your gun away before you went to check Ava's room.

"Mommy what if the man hurt mama?" Ava asked.

" your mama is really strong and she won't let anybody hurt us" Bey said rubbing her daughter's back to put her back to sleep.

you came back in the room before getting into bed. Ava left Bey side before she was cuddled into you.


Aaron had the whole team on the crime scene it was a triple homicide. You pulled up with Jessie, walking in the house it was blood everywhere.

"Look like candy man been through this bitch" you said.

"Hell yeah" Jessie said.

Walking further into the crime scene You spotted Bey taking pictures. You left Jessie before making your way over to your wife.

"Hey beautiful" You said with a smirk.

Beyoncé couldn't help but smile when she seen You. You just did things to her without doing anything at all.

"Hey baby" she smiled.

"So what's going on here?" You asked.

"Mom in the kitchen, child upstairs, and dad in the garage. The killer took out mom first because the back door window was shattered, went upstairs to the kid, then dad" Beyoncé explained.

"Sounds about right. I'll go dust for finger prints, see what I can find.


You and Beyoncé were on y'all way over to Your mother's house to pick up Ava but had stopped at a grocery store to pick up a few things.

"So this means you're cooking tonight?" You asked with a grin.

"Don't I always"

"Ayee now, I cook sometimes" you said as you pushed the cart.

"You try to cook but we always end up eating take out" Beyoncé said laughing as she picked up some tomato paste.

"Wow, that's a low blow. I see yo ass not getting any of my dessert tonight" you said.

Beyoncé turned around towards You before she leaned up on her tippy toes pecking Your lips.

"I'm not worried about that because I know you going to give me anything I ask for" Beyoncé said.

You looked around before chuckling at what your wife said because it was definitely true, it's impossible to say no to Bey.

" oh you actin uppp today" you said biting your lower lip.

" spank me" Beyoncé said to You before she walked down the aisle.


Y'all were out in the living room watching some cartoon movie Ava picked out. As she sat between her parents, her attention didn't stay on the movie for long before she started playing with Beyoncé's hair.

"I like mommy's hair. It's pretty and long" Ava said as she played in her mother's hair.

"Well you have pretty long hair too Ava" Beyoncé said to her daughter.

Ava was a mixture of both you and Bey. Skin color, hair color and texture just like you but features and same eyes like Beyoncé.

"But I have curls like mama" Ava said jumping on you, forgetting about her mom's hair.

" yes you do my little angel" You said kissing her all over her cute face.

"Give mommy kisses too" Ava laughed.

You chuckled before you leaned over lightly pecking your wife's lips.

" well why can't I get kisses from you missy?" Bey asked her daughter.

Ava jumped in Beyoncé's arms kissing her mom all over her face. You smiled at your girls, you was so happy and without a doubt you wouldn't trade them for anything in the world.


A/N: all these crime shows getting to me😭

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