Sweet Love

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"Y/N you're so silly, it doesn't go like that" Beyoncé giggled as she watch you try to curl her hair.

"Look! It made a curl" you said pointing at the cress you made.

"That's definitely not a curl baby" Beyoncé laughed.

" Hey.You see how I have my hair" you said putting the wand curler down.

"And you also grew up with 5 guys so you're fucking clueless about hair" Bey said.

It was true, you have four brothers and your mom died when you and your twin brother was 6 so your dad raised you and your brothers. You consider yourself a male....well that's what you wanted to be. You had small breast so it really wasn't a problem hiding them. You let your hair on your arms and legs grow out and you so badly wanted facial hair.

"Shit you just reminded me that I have an hair appointment" you said checking the time.

"Shit I gotta go" you said grabbing your keys.

"I'll meet you at brio's then" Beyoncé said.

" nooooo, you said we'll drive together. I'll come back here when I'm done" you said pecking Beyoncé's lips.


"Why do you have to look so fucking good" you said kissing on Beyoncé's neck.

"Because I'm hoping that when we get back home you'll take this dress off" Bey said smirking at you.

"Lets go inside before I put you in the back seat" you said smacking her ass before walking inside.

"Hi, reservation for Y/L/N" you said to the host.

"Oh yes, right this way" the host said leading you and Bey to the private table.

"I want you next to me" Beyoncé said sliding in the booth.

"Why So you can touch up on me" You said joking around.

"Duh" she said laughing.

You sat next to Beyoncé pecking her lips before picking up the menu. You knew Bey was going to look on with you instead of looking on her own so you moved it so she was able to see.

"Wine or no?" you asked.

"You can have wine but I don't want any" Bey said resting her hand on your thigh.

"Definitely having wine" you said.


"No, no remember that time when I was mad at you for going out with that girl and I went and got another engineer?" Beyoncé chuckled.

"Hell yeah, you were so upset and I didn't know what for until Zion told me. You're so cute when you're jealous baby" you said smiling at her.

" I hate when other people try to talk to you" she said running her thumb over your bottom lip.

" I'm all yours my love, you don't have to worry about none of that" you assured before kissing her lips.

"And you're all mines" you when you pulled away from the kiss.

"Well how about we get out of here and have a little fun in the car and you show me how I'm all yours"Bey said biting her lip.

You looked at your girlfriend with lust in your eyes before throwing three hundred on the table before leaving. Getting in the car Bey was all over you while you tried to look for a good spot so nobody would see y'all. I started working on your pants, sticking her hand inside to grab your dick.

"Fuck" you said when you couldn't find a spot.

" it's a park up the street baby" Beyoncé said tying her hair up before she lend over to your side.

Realizing what Beyoncé was about to do you adjusted your seat so you was leaning back a bit. Beyoncé pulled your dick out your pants before taking it in her mouth. You let out a moan when you felt her lips around your dick.

"That feels so good baby" you moaned.

You couldn't wait to get in Beyoncé's guts, the way she was sucking your dick had you feeling dizzy as you swerved a little.

"Take it all baby, lemme feel the back of your throat" you mumbled as you kept your eyes on the road.

You moaned out loud when you felt Beyoncé  throat clench around your dick. Pulling up to the park as quick as you could, you parked way in the back in the dark.

"Get cho fine ass in the back" you said.

you smacked Beyoncé's ass when she was crossing to the back. You let the front seats up a bit before you went back there. Bey grabbing for your dick that was still hanging out. You reached between Beyoncé's legs feeling nothing but wetness.

"You just took your panties off that quick?" You asked.

"Didn't have any on tonight, now fuck me daddy" Bey said kissing your lips.

You smiled into the kiss when she kissed you. You just loved how nasty and freaky she got. You pulled your pants all the way down before looking over at Beyoncé.

"I want you on top first" you said grinning at her.

"Damn baby you tryna to kill me first round" Beyoncé chuckled.

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