Rough patch part 2

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"Yo! Open this shit up" You yelled knocking on the door.

You kept knocking until someone came to the door.

" how can I help you?" An older asked who stood at the door.

" no disrespect but watch out" you said walking pass the lady with your daughter.

You walked in the living room seeing a group of people playing cards.

"Who the fuck is uncle P?" You asked.

" woah baby mama, you coming in here like you own shit" Stephanie laughed.

" go find mommy for me baby" You said sitting your daughter down.

Zoey took off running to the stairs to go get her mommy.

" I told you multiple times stop calling me that and I'm not the one to be fucked with right now so who the fuck is uncle P?" You asked again.

Beyoncé was just laying on her bed reading her book, she looked up when she seen her daughter walking in the room.

"What are you doing here baby?" Bey asked putting her book down.


Beyoncé picked up Zoey before she headed downstairs, as she got closer to the stairs she heard both You and Stephanie arguing.

"You need to leave my house" Stephanie said.

"Bruh I ain't leaving until I find out who uncle P and I mean that shit" You said.

"What's going on?" Bey asked coming down the stairs.

"I asked ZoZo who hit her and she said uncle P"

"You said she was with you" Bey said looking at Stephanie.

" alright I'm fed up with this, that's peter aka uncle P. He's the one dropped your kid" Stephanie said pointing at the big guy.

Peter stood up out his seat looking at you with a small smirk on his face, he was a 6'5 giant thinking he could intimidate you. You walked over to peter and kicked him in his knee before punching him in his Adam's apple. Peter was on one knee while he held his throat and You looked at him before you kicked him in his face breaking his nose. Beyoncé covered Zoey face the whole time making sure she didn't see none of that.

"Damn!" Stephanie laughed.

" pick him up" Stephanie told her boys.

You walked over to Stephanie punching her in the eye.

" if one of yo boys touch my daughter again imma kill all y'all" You said.

" shit" Bey mumbled.

She gave Zoey to You and you walked out the house like it was nothing. Beyoncé ran over to Stephanie to make sure she was ok even though she deserved it.

" let me see baby" Bey said moving Stephanie's hand out the way.

She laid on the floor feeling the throbbing pain in her eye. He was upset, sitting up she looked at Bey before she punched her.


"you know what get the fuck out. You're my fucking girlfriend and you're ratting us out" Stephanie said.

She got up off the floor before she grabbed Bey by her shirt dragging her to the back door.

"If you're not there when I go check in the morning imma fuck you up" She said before pushing Bey outside.


Beyoncé had been sitting outside for 3 hours now and it was starting to get cold outside.

" Stephanie!" Beyoncé shouted as she banged on the door.

Her eye was swollen but she kept her hand on it since her hands were freezing, using it as a cold compressor. Beyoncé didn't stop banging on the door until Stephanie came.

"Stef please let me in, it's cold. I'm sorry ok...... I just want to come in and cuddle with you" Beyoncé said saying anything to get back inside.

Stephanie sat there and laughed as Bey begged her to come in. When she unlocked the door Bey started thanking her but she stopped Bey before she could come in.

" get naked when you get upstairs" Stephanie said.

"O-ok" Bey mumbled before walking pass her.

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