Asthma Attack

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"You excited for your first game tomorrow?" You asked your son.

"yes, coach said I'm starting too" Emmett said eating his dinner.

" yeah because mama had a nice talk with your coach" Beyoncé chuckled as she ate her salad.

"We paid six hundred dollars for his gear and shit so of course my son better be playing every minute" you said.

" ouuu you have to put two dollars in the swear jar" Emmett laughed.

" I swear I be putting my whole pay check in there" you said.

You and Bey decided to make a swear jaw and every time you or Bey cussed y'all had to put two dollars in the jar which would go towards things Emmett wants. But if he misbehave two dollars were taken out. Last week you ended up putting a thousand dollars in the jar, you just couldn't stop cursing.

"You cuss too much" bey said.

"Don't act like you don't be cussing up a storm" you said.

"I'm working on my sailor mouth" said.

"And I definitely can help you with that" you said looking at your wife with a smirk on your face.

"Yeah Em after dinner go take a bath" Beyoncé said.

Beyoncé got up taking her plate and yours to the kitchen.

"Baby I wasn't done" you said with food in your mouth.

Emmett stuffed his mouth before he ran off, leaving his salad on his plate. You got up walking towards the kitchen, walking in Bey was already washing the dishes.

" you know I gonna  to be hungry later, I wasn't even finish" you chuckled.

"You can eat me" she said not
looking at you.

"But are you food?"

" some consider me as a snack" Beyoncé said smirking.

"Where my damn inhaler" you said making Bey laugh.


" Beyoncé how many pictures are you going to take, we have to go" you said putting Emmett's gear in the trunk.

"My baby looks so cute" Bey cooed as she snapped more pictures of him.

"Ok mommy" Emmett said.

" come on Em" you said opening the  door for him.

Emmett got right in the car putting on his seat belt before he grabbed his iPad and headphones. You and Bey talked a bit as you drove to the park.  You parked your car away from everyone because you didn't want nobody hitting your car.

"You do this all the time" Bey said rolling her eyes before she got out.

" and it'll never stop my love"

You had Bey to go find a good spot while you walked Emmett over to his team. Almost every kid had on their gear so you just helped your son put on his.

" ok Em take your jersey off first" you said as you took his shoulder pads out the bag.

"Awe look at my babies" Bey said to herself before she pulled out your camera taking pictures of you and Emmett.

"That feel alright?" You asked fixing the shoulder pads.

"Yes" Emmett said before putting his jersey on.

You helped him with his shirt in the back, pulling it down for him.

"Make sure you keep this in" you said giving him his mouth piece.

"Don't worry about the helmet Y/N, we got it" the coach said.


"Remember what I said? Every kid you tackle is fifty dollars. Me and mommy will be over there" you said pointing over to Bey.


You walked over to the bleachers and every woman that was over there said hi to you which Beyoncé didn't like at all.

"I definitely didn't get greeted like that" She  said.


"RUN EMMETT! RUNNNNNN" you yelled as your son took off down the field.

Everyone was cheering but you and Bey were the loudest ones when Emmett scored the touch down.

" he's so fast" Bey smiled.

Emmett was happy he made a touchdown, he knew his parents were proud of him because he heard them shouting his name. Emmett felt his chest get tight but he ignored it, going into his next position. Breathing started getting harder for him but he just thought it was because he was tired. When the ball was hiked Emmett took off run, he started slowing down when it got hard for him to breath. He dropped to his knees holding his chest as he gasped for air.

"What is he doing?" Bey asked.

You jumped off the bleachers before you took off running to your son. Running across the field with  bey behind you. You ran over to your son  taking his helmet off as he laid on the floor"

" I can't bre-" Emmett tried to say as tears fell from his eyes.

"What's going on?" The coach asked.

"Babe I think he's having an asthma attack!"  Beyoncé said.

You pulled out your inhaler hoping it'll work for him.  You put the inhaler in his mouth before giving him a pump.

"Breath in baby" Bey said.

You were out of breath yourself, trying to catch your breath before talking. Emmett felt his air way open back up again.

"We're gonna take him to the hospital" you said picking your son up.

Beyoncé grabbed his bag and helmet as y'all walked to the car. Getting inside the car Bey looked over at you when she heard you wheezing.

"Y/N/N you're wheezing" She said.

" I know" you said pulling out the parking lot.


At the hospital they gave Emmett a treatment for his asthma along with you. You and Beyoncé didn't even know Emmett even had asthma. The doctor said he was still able to play football but he just couldn't run for a long period of time without his inhaler. Bey took a picture of you and Emmett both on the nebulizer.

"Aweee asthma bubbies" Beyoncé smiled.

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