Sacrifice part 2

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"STOPPPPPPPP! LET ME GO PLEASEEEEE" you screamed at the top of your lungs as you seen the needle get closer and closer to your eye.

You tried to break free but they had you strapped down. You cried out in pain as the needle was inserted into your eyeball. You yelled at the burning sensation in your right eye, you couldn't do anything but cry out in pain. You felt the blood drip out your eye when the needle was removed. Using your left eye to see, the table you were strapped to sat upright.

"Your sight will be ten times better" he said to you.

"I just want to go home to my family" you cried.

"You have no family, this is your life now" he said before walking away.

This was just the first month of you being there, they tortured you everyday, pushing chemicals through your veins. They made you into a killer. They forced you to forget about anything dealing with your old life, they tattooed your new name on the side of your next "Mörderin" killer in German. They didn't start using you for missions until they were done upgrading you. You had the sight to see miles away, you were able to see in the dark without any light, you were fast and much stronger now and bullets couldn't stop you. They used you to steal, you killed innocent people.


~5 months later~

"So what else do you need for Dream's party?" Solange asked.

"Everything" Beyoncé mumbled.

"You know me and mama don't mind helping you out Bey " Solange ensured.

"I know, I know. It's just that I haven't had the energy to ask" Bey said.

"You know what don't worry about, we'll take care of it" she said looking at her sister.

It's been tuff on Beyoncé since you were kidnap. She was given a flag in your honor from the U.S military. Many people wanted her to have a funeral but she didn't want that because deep down she knew you weren't dead.



"Mama" Dream called out as she hurried and ran downstairs.

Bey lifted her head when she heard Dream call out for you.

"What's the matter Baby?" Beyoncé asked.

"Is mama back!?" She asked in excitement.

"No baby, she isn't. Come here" Bey said holding out her arms.

Dream walked over to Beyoncé , sitting in her lap.

"I had a dream mama came back, she was standing in my room" she said.

"I miss her" she mumbled.

"I know baby, I miss her too" Beyoncé said kissing her head.


You had just came back from a mission, you had blood all over you from killing a bunch of people. You even had a knife sticking out from your back and you didn't even notice.

"Mörderin! Report!" You heard over the intercom.

You got up from your bed before you sat in the clear chair they used to take very important information your brain recorded during the mission. You laid back in the chair, closing your eyes as you felt the cold metal pierced the skin in the back of your head. Going through your memories, an old memory of when you came home and met Dream for the first time.


You sat in the passenger seat wishing your Uber driver would drive faster than he already was. You couldn't wait to get home and see your daughter and wife. When he finally pulled up, you practically jumped out the car. You ran towards the front door with your bag before knocking. You didn't even wait a full second before the door swung open and you were attacked with a hug.

"I missed you so much" Beyoncé cried as she held on to you for dear life.

"I missed you too baby" you mumbled as your face was buried in the crook of her neck.

Beyoncé pulled back before she cupped your face with both hands, kissing your lips. One of the many things you missed.

"Come meet your princess" Bey grinned.

You followed Beyoncé inside the house, dropping your bag at the door. She took you upstairs to Dream's room. You smiled as you watched her sleep in her crib. She was so perfect to you, you fell in love.

"She's so beautiful" you said touching her hand as tears fell from your eyes.

"Pick her up baby" Bey smiled at you.

You slowly reached down into the crib picking your daughter up. Cradling her in your arms, you kissed her little head.

"She's so tiny" you chuckled.

"Mama love you so much Dream"

~end of flashback~

"What was that?" You asked.

They shocked you for a whole minute, your muscles locking up as the electric current ran through your body.



Later that night you laid in your bed with your eyes close trying to look for that exact memory. You wanted to know why it felt so familiar.

"Y/N" you mumbled.

You heard a voice in your head saying that name, you heard of it but you couldn't figure out where. You ended up falling asleep but not for long. You ended up having a nightmare of the day you were taken from the diner.

"Bey no" you mumbled in your sleep.

The last thing you saw was a little girl crying.

"DREAM!" You shouted when you woke from your dream.

You looked around you, not recognizing your surroundings.

"What the fuck" you mumbled.

Two men came in the room to sedate you but then something snapped inside you. You grabbed the guy with the needle before you broke his arm, stabbing him repeatedly in the neck before you snapped it. The other guy tried to get away but you threw a book at his head so hard that it cracked his skull. You were on a rampage and you wasn't going to stop until you were out of here.

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