The lows

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"How was school princess? you asked your daughter.

" it was ok I guess" she said grabbing Your hand.

"Why I guess? Something happened today?" You asked as the two of you walked to the bus.

" well this boy said my hair look like a wild animal" she said all nonchalant.

You stopped and picked your daughter up so she was at your level.

" he's just jealous that's all baby girl, I love your hair" you said smiling at your daughter.

But it was true though Harmonie had thick wild hair and the only hairstyle You knew how to do was a sloppy ponytail or bun.

"I like your hair too mama" she giggled.


" I got a surprise for you in the house" You said as they walked in the apartment building.

"Really! I wanna see" Harmonie shouted.

You grabbed your daughter's arm before she could take off running.

"Hey! No don't go running off I told you about that"

You was a young single mother and you really couldn't afford no nice apartment and the cheapest apartments was in the hood so you didn't allow your daughter to wander off.

"Sorry Mama" Harmonie said flashing you her big brown eyes.

You went to check the mailbox first before walking to their apartment.

" get out your school clothes and then bring your homework" You said before your daughter took off to the room.

" oh my god! You brought the big bed!" Harmonie yelled out in excitement.

You saved up enough money to get one of those deluxe blow up bed Harmonie was begging you for when they went to Walmart 3 weeks ago.

" can we blow it up and do my homework on it?" She asked.

" yeah sure"


"Uncle Larry I'm home" Beyoncé said walking in the house.

Walking down the hallway Bey heard yelling and crying coming from her uncle Larry's office. Her heart dropped because she knew those cries was coming from her oldest sister. Slowly walking towards the room she peaked her head in seeing her sister on the couch crying.

" I-I'm home" Beyoncé said.

" get in this room girl" he spoke to Bey.

"So I went in your room this morning and I seen that bed wasn't made up" Larry said getting out his seat with a belt in his hand.

" I was running late for work" Beyoncé said.

Beyoncé and Nicki parents died when they were kids and since their uncle was they next kin  he took custody over them. They thought everything would be fine living with him. He was strict with them, they wasn't allowed to watch tv after 7pm, no phones, no boys, they didn't even go to prom. Nicki thought when she turned 18 she'll get her own place and take Beyoncé with her but he didn't let them leave. And here he was treating at 25 and a 22 year old like little kids. After beating Beyoncé he sent them both to their rooms, Nicki just went in Beyoncé's room like she always did.

" I Fucking hate it here" Beyoncé said not too loud, wiping her tears.

" he just need to Fucking die already" Nicki said.

Beyoncé got out of her work clothes, putting on something more comfortable  before climbing into her.

" help me grade papers?" Bey asked.

" yeah sure, don't have anything else to do since that creep won't let us go anywhere" Nicki said grabbing a pen out of Beyoncé's bag.

" how was work Nicki?" Bey asked.

" I didn't go" Nicki whispered.


" yes and it was amazing, Damon took me to the beach and we even got in the water" Nicki said.

" I'm so jealous, I want to go to the beach" Beyoncé said.

" maybe we can go one day, have a sister skip day.... and maybe never come back" she said throwing in the last part.

" Uhn uhn remember what happened last time. He had us locked up for a long time" Beyoncé said.

"Well I'm not gonna keep sitting in this house"

"Let's just wait and come up with a plan, something that we know it'll work for sure" Beyoncé suggested.

Beyoncé imagines(Vol.1)Where stories live. Discover now