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"Y/N!!"  Beyoncé shouted.

" Yes bae?" You answered from your game.

" someone at the door, you want me to get it?" Bey asked.

" please" you said.

Beyoncé walked to the door opening it with the chain lock still on.

"Can I help you?" Bey asked putting on her sweet voice.

"Oh... yeah I thought this was the plug, my homeboy sent me" the young dude said.

"What you need?" Beyoncé asked.

"Oh. Lemme get ah 3.5" he said.

"45" she said.

"Homie said it was 35"

"We're all out of regular OG we just have too shelf" Bey said.

"Ight, lemme get that" he said pulling out an extra 10.

Beyoncé took the money before she closed the door walking towards the room to grab the weed.

" what they wanted?" You asked.

" 3.5" she said running her hand across Your back as she walked by.

Beyoncé grabbed the weed before she left out the room. Serving the guy up before closing the door again. Beyoncé walked back in the room laying on the bed.

"I got a few plays to do today, you gonna ride with me?" You asked.

"I have nothing else to do so why not" Beyoncé said strolling through her phone.

"Maybe we can go out for dinner too... that's if you want to be seen with me" You said.

" come on Y/N don't go there" Bey said rolling her eyes.

" I just saying cuz you know yo ole boy don't like you around me" you said.

" I'm my own person" she said.


"Get out and come say hi" Beyoncé said to You.

"I don't want to" You said sitting in your Camaro.

"This is why you and my dad don't get Along" Bey said rolling her eyes.

"Naw we don't get along because that nigga always trying to throw me in jail" You said.

"Baby please" Beyoncé begged kissing on Your neck.

"Alright" You said.

Getting out the car You followed behind Bey. She unlocked the door before walking in the house.

" hey Marie, is my parents here?" Bey asked the maid.

" they're out back with guest" she said.

You didn't like being around Beyoncé's family especially her rude ass grandpa and her dad.

"I'm not staying here for long" You said to Bey.

" yeah, yeah I know"

"There go my princess" James smiled when he seen his daughter.

" hi daddy" Beyoncé smiled walking over to him giving him a hug.

" I see you brought Y/L/N with you" he said waving his hand over at you.

" wassup" You said.

" how you doing Ma" You said walking over to Beyoncé's mom giving her a hug.

Beyoncé mother had no problem with You, in fact she loved you.

" hi sweetie, how are you" Tina smiled.

" I'm fine, just been grinding hard that's it"

They introduced You to their neighbors, you rolled your eyes when the lady picked her purse off the ground sitting it in her lap.

" yeah lady I don't want yo shit, I'm rich too fam. I got a 2020 Camaro out front, I got money you trippin" You snapped.

" Y/L/N don't be disrespectful" James said.

"Dad! You saw what she did" Bey said.

" maybe I should go" the lady said.

" Naw I'll leave, i don't belong here" You said getting up.

You gave Tina a hug before you left, Beyoncé following right behind you.


"If we ever get married we might gotta do two weddings" you said running your hand through Beyoncé's hair.

"Why?" She mumbled.

" yo people don't fuck with me, you really think they gonna fuck with my people? It's gonna be hell" You said.

" but it's for us, I think each side can be civilized on that day" Beyoncé said.

" you know how crazy my family is, you seen them fighting on thanksgiving"

"Two weddings? Babe that's extra money..... let's just talk about it when that time get here because you didn't even propose to me yet missy" she said with a smirk on her face.

" I will and it's gonna be the best day of your life" you said kissing her forehead.

A/N: y'all think y'all can take 4 more updates?👀

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