My Idiot

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A/N: I'm sorry but you're one of them smart,dumb kids in this one😬

Beyoncé laid on her bed doing her homework while you sat at her desk supposedly doing your homework.

"Y/N what are you doing?" Beyoncé asked.

" huh? Oh I'm looking at this video" you said with a smirk.

Beyoncé got out her bed walking over towards You to see that you was  watching porn. Looking over at your paper you only did 3 problems,Beyoncé smacked you in your head.

"Yoooo. What you did that for?" You asked as you held Beyoncé wrist.

"You're suppose to be doing your homework not watching no fucking porn" Bey said.

"Bro this boring as fuck" You said.

" yeah and it's gonna be even more boring when you doing it next year in the same grade.......again" she said before going back to finish her work.

You just stared at your girlfriend.

"You ain't had to say that shit.I know I failed last year. I don't need yo baby carrot head ass reminding me" You said.

"Don't play with me Y/M/N" Bey said giving you a death glare.

You turned back around towards the desk to finish your homework... well at least try.

"Bae" You called out.

" yes Y/N?" She tkanswered.

"Is thousand the one that got two zeros behind the numbers?" You asked.

"No Three. Hundreds is the two zeros" Bey said.


"Nigga you need to stop smoking! yo bey how do you put up with this jit" Wanda said laughing.

"I just do" Bey simply said.

Beyoncé always hung with you and your friends at the park but she didn't like the way they talked to you and treated you. You acted dumb but in all honesty you was really smart when you wanted to be. You passed every graduation requirement test but it was your grades in class holding you back.

"Man you trippin. You know I'm right" You said.

" you neva right" Lisa laughed.

" what ever" you said.

" baby you ready to go?" You asked.

" yes" Beyoncé said getting up.

" please take care of this stupid nigga Bey"

" stop calling her stupid! She's not stupid at all. You guys are the stupid ones! She's trying to get her diploma. Lisa you dropped out in 8th grade! Now you're dumb as fuck" Beyoncé snapped before grabbing Your hand walking away.

Getting towards the car Beyoncé stopped you.

" you better stop letting people call you stupid because you're not! You're so smart Y/N, so fucking smart. You scored higher than me on the SAT and you're an idiot for letting them think you're in idiot" Bey said.

" i honestly don't care what other people think of me. I only care what you think, they Don't hurt me at all" You said looking at your girlfriend.

I know, I know" Beyoncé said grabbing your hands.

" but you're letting people put a false label on you and I don't like that"

"Alright baby" You said before kissing Bey.


"Daddy you like these?" Beyoncé asked You showing you the pink silk shorts she tried on.

" Ouuu yessss" You said smiling at Your girlfriend.

"You only like it because my ass is out" Beyoncé laughed.

" Duhhhhh.Get them baby, Please?.... I'll buy em, how much them is?"  You asked.

Beyoncé changed out the pants before throwing the shorts over to you so you could look.

" damn! 160 for these shits"

" that is not the price" Beyoncé said.

you got up to show her, stepping behind the curtains with her.

" look. 160" you said.

" noooo baby. It's a dot between the six and zero" Beyoncé chuckled.

"That's why you need to wear your glasses"

"Shit I don't see that at all. But 16 dollars!? That ain't bad, you getting these shits" You said leaving out the dressing room to go pay for the shorts.

Part 2?

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