The Lows part 2

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"Alright class, since field day is this Friday that mean we have to pick which game we want to compete in" Beyoncé said to her students.

Before she could even finish the kids were shouting out what they wanted to do.

"Quiet Please, We will discuss this after recess. Line up at the back door" Bey said.

Harmonie got up to get in line and out of nowhere the rubber band that was holding her hair in place popped. Harmonie put her hands over head trying to cover her hair as the other kids laughed at her. She ran in the bathroom crying.

"That's not nice at all, we don't laugh at other people and for that no recess today" Beyoncé said making the kids groan as they went to sit back down.

Bey went to the bath they had in the classroom. She knocked on the door waiting for Harmonie to open the door.

"I wanna go home, I want my mama" she cried.

"Ok sweetie, I can call your mama so she can come get you ok?" Beyoncé said squatting down.


You was walking home with two groceries bags in your hand. Passing the corner where guys shoot dice at.

"Aye man, wassup with yo shoes man?" One guy said making the others laugh.

"They straight" you said as you kept walking.

"If you wanna make some real money then slide back through" the guy yelled out to you.

You had just got home when you received a call from your daughter's school.


"Hi Mrs. Y/L/N  I'm Harmonie's teacher. We had a problem and she's asking for you" Beyoncé explained.

"Ok,I'll be there"

You hung up the phone before you went inside your house putting the bags on the counter before leaving out again.


You walked down the hall towards Harmonie's classroom.

"Hi" you said coming in the classroom.

"Mama!" Harmonie said running over to you crying.

Beyoncé had the teacher next door to take her kids so she could deal with Harmonie without the other kids involved.

"It's ok princess, what happened?" You asked rubbing her back.

"My rubber band pop and the other kids laughed because my hair is ugly" she said with her head rest on Your shoulder.

You felt bad because you was the one doing her hair and you were doing a bad job at it.

"Ok princess, we can go home and find a hairstyle that you like. What about that?" You suggested.

"Yeah" she mumbled.

"You have beautiful hair Harmonie" Beyoncé smiled at the little girl.

Before you could leave Bey gave you a card of the hair salon her sister work at.

"Bring her by tomorrow around 1pm" Bey said.


"Where's Larry?" Beyoncé asked.

"Hopefully dead" Nicki said.

Beyoncé shook her head before putting her purse on the counter.

" so I met this girl today" Bey said.

"What!! Really!? Tell meeeee" Nicki said excited.

"It's really not a big deal.... she's the parent of one of my students and I gave her the card to the salon hoping you could do her daughter's hair..... for free" Beyoncé said.

"Is it that serious?" Nicki asked.

"She's really cute Nicki " Beyoncé said.



You put your hoodie on getting ready to leave the house. You was leaving your daughter in the house since she was sleep, going up the street really quick.  You walked in the gate with a bunch of guys looking at you.

"Wassup?" One of the guys asked.

"Dude said if I wanted to make some money I could come through" you said.

The man got up walking you in the house.

"Aye yo Jerry, you got company out here" he yelled before going back outside.

You stood there until Jerry came from the back.

"You smart" Jerry said shaking your hand.

"You want money so this what you gone do for me, you gone serve the blocks for me but don't get caught" he explained.

"I got a daughter and a job, I can't be out crazy nights" you said.

"Bruh you ain't gone need that job working for me, this job gone supply all yo needs. I'll work with you on Yo daughter part cuz I don't like missing out on my kids" Jerry said.

Jerry got up grabbed two bags.

"You sell what's in the red bag and you keep what's in the blue bag, don't open it until you get home" he said before giving you the bags.

Jerry had one of the guys to give you a ride back home. You rushed upstairs hoping Harmonie was still sleep. Walking in the house, you let out the breath you was holding when you seen your daughter still sleep. You sat down in the chair before you opened the red bag, seeing weed and pills in the bag. Your jaw dropped when you opened the blue bag seeing all that money.


"Ms. Knowles!" Harmonie called out.

She ran over to Bey giving her a hug.

"Hey gorgeous" Beyoncé smiled.

You waved at Bey giving her a smile.

"My sister is waiting for you inside, come on" Beyoncé said leading Harmonie inside.

You followed behind them, greeting Nicki. It was only three other people there besides them. You sat down over in the waiting area and Bey joined you.

"She's excited to get her hair done" you chuckled.

"I can tell" Bey grinned.

"Her mother couldn't make it?" Beyoncé asked trying to see if there was someone else.

You chuckled at her question.

"You could've just asked do I have a girlfriend" you said looking at Bey .

"Well do you?"

"Naw I'm single" you said with a smirk.

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