Weird fucking trip

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You and Beyoncé was invited to this couples retreat by their friends Donna and Micheal . For a whole week they'll be on a private island with other couples.

"Why are you packing that?" Beyoncé asked referring to your work laptop.

"Um so I can finish my work" You said.

"No. Leave it here Y/N , this trip is for us and I'll be damn if that computer gets all the attention" Beyoncé said.

" you always get my attention big baby" You said taking your computer out of your bag.

" duh, I'm your wife" Beyoncé said walking to the bathroom.


Bey had her arms wrapped around You as y'all waited in line to check in.

" all these people, this is going to be fun" Donna smiled.

" yeah I hope so" You mumbled.

" be nice" Bey said poking Your side.

You looked over at Micheal chuckling to yourself because you knew Micheal didn't want to be here just like you. Once y'all were at the front of the line y'all checked in getting the keys to their room.

" we're gonna meet back up down here after we get settled" Donna said.

You carried both yours and Beyoncé's bag to their room, dropping them on the floor as soon as they got in the room.

" what the fuck is this?" You asked looking at the room.

" oh wow" Bey said walking in the room.

She was amazed by the room, their was a mirror above the bed, a stripper pole on the side of the room and a sex chair.

" this is a sex room" Beyoncé grinned.

"So we fucking tonight?" You asked.

"Did you buy me that Chanel bag I wanted?" Beyoncé asked putting her suitcase on the bed so she could get her things to shower.

"I'll buy that shit now" You said pulling out your phone.

"You're five days too late Mrs. Y/L/N" Beyoncé said walking to the bathroom.

"Stop playing and give a nigga some pussy" You said following Her to the bathroom.

Beyoncé pushed you out before closing and locking the door on you.


You all  been on the island for 3 days now and so far You  seen a lot of shit. Like when you went down to the hotel gym. You caught a couple fucking in there, and then there were a female couple fucking in the sauna room. You and Beyoncé were having lunch with Donna and Micheal when another couple walked over to their table.

" I'm sorry to be a bother but me and my wife couldn't stop looking at you ma'am you're so gorgeous" the older guy said to Beyoncé.

" awe thank you so much" Beyoncé smiled.

You had stop eating your food when the guy called your wife gorgeous, sitting back you eyed the older man.

" if you want maybe you can join us" the guy said as his wife nodded.

"Aye man you got me fucked up. Tighten up before I break yo jaw" You  said standing up.

"Babe" bey said grabbing Your arm.

"Woah, Woah. We didn't mean to offend you ma'am" the lady finally spoke.

"We'll be going" she said.

"What the fuck was that" Micheal said.

"I don't know but I'm heated" You said sitting back down.

"Baby calm down ok, don't work yourself up" Beyoncé said kissing the corner of your mouth.

"I mean Y/N your wife is attractive as hell so you really can't blame them" Donna said.

"I don't care, she mines and I'm not sharing"

After lunch y'all headed down to the pool. Beyoncé and Donna soaked up some sun while you and Micheal just chilled in the pool. Seeing three girls come out to the pool, they all got in the pool but from the other side.

" I'm ready to go home, the people next door to us have sex every fucking night and they ain't quiet about it either" Micheal said.

"Yeah man I'm ready to get the fuck up out of here too. But I like them rooms, I been beating my shorty back in ever since we got here" You smirked.

" me and Donna ain't do shit, haven't had sex in 8 months Bruh" he said.

" what? You serious?"

" yeah, that's why we came here. So we can have time away from the kids to focus on us but she always shooting a nigga giving me excuses and shit" Micheal said.

"Nigga you gotta be demanding with her, them women like that shit. Smack ha ass, choke her"

You and Micheal didn't notice the girls had came closer to them because they was so caught up in their conversation.

"Heyyyy" one of the girls said.

"Wassup" You said eying the girl.

" my friends and I wanted to know how tall you guys were" she said smiling.

"Yeah, you two look so big" the other one said.

Micheal looked at You before chuckling.

"I'm 6'2 Micheal said to the girls.

"So y'all in some type of Relationship?" You asked.

"Something like that" the three of them said.

When Beyoncé got up to move out the sun she noticed the girls over by you and Micheal.

"Donna look at this shit" Beyoncé said tapping her.

Donna sat up as well seeing her husband laughing.

"Got me fucked up" Beyoncé said.

Beyoncé got up walking over to y'all with Donna right behind her. You and Micheal couldn't see that they was coming since their backs were towards them. Bey reached down smacking You on the side of your face.

"Don't fuck with me" Beyoncé said.

Come on mannn" You said holding your cheek.

"We was just talkin" You said.

"I don't care Y/N! Let's go!" Beyoncé snapped.

"And his dick is little so you don't want him. let's go Micheal before I kill you out here" his wife said.

"Don't try me like that Donna" Micheal Said getting out the pool following his wife.


A/N: when will they realize their staying on an island with a bunch of swingers😭 part 2?

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