Soldier part 2

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" Kamari! Would you stop! Calm down baby" Beyoncé said stopping Mari from running around their room.

Kamari started to whine when Bey sat him down on the bed. Her mom or dad wasn't home so she couldn't send him to them so she could finish her homework.

" Come on let's take a nap" Bey said.

" nooooo, nap" Kamari said.

"Ma" he cried.

Bey picked her phone up texting You.

Beyoncé:hey are you busy?

You: no, just finished cleaning. Wassup?

Beyoncé: I'm trying to do my homework and he's bouncing everywhere

Beyoncé: and he's asking for you.

You: come over then

Beyoncé: ok

Beyoncé packed her homework back in her bag along with her laptop. She packed a bag for Kamari before she left out the house. Bey was only 19 years old so she struggled with her son times, she was still a kid herself but she managed. She drove to Your Apartment, once she got there she asked You to come downstairs and when Kamari seen you he went crazy in his car seat.

"Ma! Ma!" Kamari screamed when You opened the back door.

"Hey baby" You smiles taking him out his car seat.

"Missed you so much" You said kissing his face.

Bey smiles at the both of y'all . She still couldn't believe she had a baby with the love of her life. You took Beyoncé's book bag before you walked them upstairs to your apartment.

" y'all staying the night?" You asked letting Beyoncé walk in first.

" if you want us too baby" Beyoncé said smiling at you.

"You're too cute" you said pecking her lips.

Kamari pointed at bey and started babbling to you.

What you saying about Mommy?" You asked your son, kissing his head.

"Mommy" he said before wiggling out of your arms.

"Hey where you going?" You asked your son who was walking towards the kitchen.

"Kamari come get your cup papa" Bey said pulling his cup out.

" can't believe he's mines" You chuckled.

" he's your twin for sure"

Beyoncé walked to Your room to finish her homework while You kept Kamari company but y'all ended up in the room with her anyways. While she was doing her work You and Kamari ended up falling asleep.


" I love you" You said to Kamari.

" wuv me?"

" yes you little boy" you said chuckling.

" I wuv you" Kamari said back smiling.he planted a wet kiss on your cheek.

"Ewww" You said with a funny face making Mari laugh.

You was enjoying your time with your son, you was so in love with him. You just hated the fact that you missed everything, but you promised yourself that you'll be there for the rest of his life.Beyoncé was in the kitchen cooking food for her little family. Being here with You felt so right to her.

" hey beautiful" You said coming in the kitchen with Kamari.

" hey bae" Bey smiled.

"Mommy. That" Mari said pointing towards the refrigerator.

" what do you want out of there baby?" Bey asked.

"You not getting nothing out of there. Mommy is making food" You said.

Mari started whining when he couldn't get what he wanted.

"Aye cut it out!" You said hitting his butt.

Bey didn't say anything, she played like she wasn't there. Letting You do your thing as his mama. Mari started reaching for Bey but she moved out his reach, going to get the bowls for them to eat.

"You can't get everything Mari. And stop that crying you a big boy" You said.

You went over to the table sitting Kamari down in his high chair.

"You're so good with him" Bey said smiling.

" that's my boy, I gotta learn" You said helping Bey fix the food.

" I'm so glad you came back to us because he needs you.....and I do too" Bey said looking over at You.

" I need the both of you too" You said kissing Bey.

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