My own

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" so I brought this outfit and I thought you'll wear it to the dinner party tonight" you said walking in the office with two Chanel bags in your hand.

"Y/N we're not having sex at this party" Beyoncé said looking up from her laptop thinking you brought her lingerie.

" what? Baby this is an actual dress" you laughed pulling out the red short dress.

" and I know you have some heels to go with it so I just brought you a purse"

" I see somebody's trying to get their dick sucked" Beyoncé said with a smirk.

" I mean I don't mind it, I'm not turning it down" you said walking over to her.

Bey pulled you closer to her by your pants  puckering her lips at you. You leaned down pecking her lips but she made sure you didn't go anywhere. Beyoncé sat back in her chair and started unbuttoning her shirt revealing her  nipples since she didn't have a bra on.

"Sexy" you mumbled before you picked Beyoncé up out of her chair carrying her over to the couch.


" woah Y/N is that a bust down?" Brian asked looking at your wrist.

"It definitely is but I'm the only one with this" you bragged.

" you have nice taste Beyoncé " bey uncle said.

You rolled your eyes at Robert. Beyoncé's family always gave you shit when you came around.

" Y/N paid for this watch dad" Brian said.

" yeah and I make pigs fly" Robert said.

"Yeah ok, we're gonna go say hi to the rest of the family" Beyoncé said pulling you outside with her.

Walking outside on the patio, the table was set up already. You didn't even peep they had servers until you seen a guy pouring water in the glass.

" Henry there go Bey right there" Bey's mom said to her husband.

"Princess" Henry smiled holding his arms out to his daughter.

" hey dad" Bey smiled hugging her dad.

"I love your outfit and purse sweetie" Tina said to her daughter.

" Y/N brought it for me today..... it's Chanel and y'all know how much I love Chanel" Beyoncé said.

"At least she did something" Henry said.

You rolled your eyes before sitting down at the table, You knew this was going to be a long night.


Dinner went great since it was more eating and less talking. Once everyone was done eating they headed inside to the living room just talking well Beyoncé and her family, you wasn't interested in talking to them at all. You sat next to Bey replying back to some emails.

" what got your attention on that phone because it's not my daughter" Tina said.

"Mom please don't start" Bey said.

You only glanced up at Tina for a split second before going back to your phone. You didn't understand why your girlfriend's family didn't like you

"Did you buy that watch for her Bey" her dad asked.

You rolled your eyes for the hundredth time tonight.

" why do you guys always assume she buy all my shit? I brought this fucking watch MYSELF with my hard working money" you snapped.

" With what job?" Beyoncé's uncle laughed right along with Henry.

"She has a job you guys, stop!"  said.

" oh Beyoncé stop trying to protect her! She have you so brainwashed! She's a gold digger honey" her mom said.

" ok that's enough! My girlfriend isn't a gold digger! She came in this relationship with her shit already together, I don't know what would make you guys think she's a gold digger. She buys me stuff more than I buy her shit" Bey said.

" it's ok baby, I'll just let my money do the talking"

" you said you guys own this house?" You asked as you stood up.

" oh please what are you gonna do? Buy the house next door?" Henry laughed.

Beyoncé was about to say something but her cousin stopped her.

" let it be" Brian said.

You got on your phone calling your banker, you was about to show them just how rich you were.

"Hey Emily, I want to buy a specific house up on the hills.

" oh wow, you're buying a house" Robert said.

When Emily asked you for the address you looked over at Beyoncé's dad before saying the address.

" oh you definitely can't afford this house" Tina said.

" let's get Sam on the phone right now"

When Sam answered you doubled the price and you knew he couldn't turn it down.

"What did you just do babe?" Bey asked when you got off the phone.

"You always said you wanted a house up on the hill so I got you this one" you said with a smile.

Everyone looked at you when Henry phone started ringing. You sat there as Henry talked on the phone.

"Will i still have a job at the office right?" Brian asked.

" yeah of course man" you said.

"Wait what? You work for her?" Robert asked his son.

" yeah and I love it" he said.

"You brought my fucking house!?" Henry yelled charging at you.

" yep! Just because I'm a gold digger" you said moving out the way.

" you call them back right now!" Henry yelled.

"This is Beyoncé's house, ask her" you said.

"Beyoncé" her said said looking at her.

"When you all apologize to my girlfriend. She's not a gold digger dad, you guys don't like her for some apparent reason but get used to her because she's not going anywhere.

Beyoncé imagines(Vol.1)Where stories live. Discover now