Fall In Line

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"2345 get your sorry ass up and back in your cell" the guard said kicking you in your side.

You got up on your feet, yours hands glowing the more you got angry.

" you really want to do that 2345?" The guard asked getting in your face.

You looked at him before walking back to your cell. You hate this place, when you were 10 you and your oldest sister were taken away from your family. The both of you were brought to some lab where they ran tests on you. You were injected with some many needles, you thought you and your sister were the only ones but it was more. They called you guys the " special X experiment" some of you gained powers while some died. You've been stuck in this place for 7 years wishing you had a way out.

"That's what I thought" he said.

That just ticked you off, stopping in your tracks you turned around holding your fingers up in a gun form and pointed at his leg. Flicking your wrist in an upward motion the guard felled to the ground screaming in pain. You dropped to the ground feeling the shocking pain from the collar around your neck.

"Just earned yourself in the discipline area for a week" another guard said picking you up.

"I don't give a fuck" you said.


Beyoncé sat in her cell crying as she looked at the blood on her shirt. She was forced to kill yet another friend of hers. They would put the ones with powers in a room with someone who body rejected the serum to study their powers. Beyoncé was taken one night when she was camping with her friends 3 years ago.

"Shower time 5432" one of the guards said.

Beyoncé got up gathering her things before she walked to the shower.

" hey bey" Alice said when Beyoncé walked in the shower.

"Hi Alice" Bey mumbled.

Alice laid her hand on Bey for a quick second before pulling back.

" I'm sorry" she said.

Beyoncé gave a small smile at Alice before walking inside one of the showers closing the curtains behind her.

" get the fuck out my way" Angie Said as she came in the showers with her followers behind her.

Angie was one of those people who actually don't mind being in some shit like this. Angie pulled back the curtains on Bey before joining her in the shower.

"What the fuck" Beyoncé said turning around when she felt someone near her.

" done playing games with you baby girl" Angie said pinning bey to the wall.

" leave her alone!" Alice said trying to help Beyoncé.

One girl muted Alice trapping her in the corner. Angie had a crush on bey but Bey didn't like her in that way but Angie never stopped trying. Beyoncé couldn't move her body at all as Angie had her against the wall,only thing she was able to move was her eyes. Angie started touching Bey and she didn't like that at all. As the water hit Angie Beyoncé turned them into little pellets causing them to pierce Angie skin leaving her with little holes in the side of her face and back. Female Guards rushed in when they heard Angie screaming. Bey was quickly dropped to the floor before they took her away to the discipline area.


You woke up when you heard soft crying. Rolling over you seen someone in the other bed across from you. You pointed your hand at her but not to harm her, just to see her face and boy was she the most gorgeous girl you ever saw. And for some odd reason you felt this pull.

" you ok?" You asked sitting up.

"I'm fine" Bey mumbled.

" what they got you down here for?" You asked.

" Angie tried to rape me during shower time" Beyoncé said.

" you killed her?" You asked.

" no. What about you?"

" shot a guard in his leg"

You never seen this girl before she said had to be apart of the new era.

" I'm Y/N by the way..... level 10" you said.

"Beyoncé, level 3" she said looking at you.

You were listed as a level 10 when you took out 5 guards, brutality. 


" hey I'll trade you my orange for your Apple" you said to Beyoncé.

" deal" Bey said tossing her apple you.

Your apple never made it to you since it was snatched out the cell. You looked seeing a girl from across the hall smirking with the Apple in her hand. Beyoncé looked down at your hands seeing them glow before she stopped you.

"Don't, you're going to get in trouble" bey said.

You looked at Beyoncé before you spilt your orange giving a piece to her. As you and Bey were sitting talking you felt a stinging pain under your eye.

" fuck" you said touching under your eye seeing that you was bleed.

"What's your fucking problem!?" You yelled to the girl.

"2345 shut up" one of the guards said.

" I'm fucking bleeding pussy!"

Beyoncé picked up the seed putting it in her pocket. The guard came with a band aid giving it to you before closing the metal door.

" let me help you" bey said putting the band aid on for you.

" you ever thought about escaping this place?" You asked.

" all the time, I miss my family so much" bey said sitting on your bed.

You knew you had to find a way out of here. But getting everyone help would be a problem.

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