Hope, Love, Joy

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You couldn't process that right in your head, Your princess had cancer. Your heart broke into a million pieces every time you thought of it. You wished so bad how you could just take her spot, you didn't want her going through any of that. You was in the hospital with your daughter 24/7 the only time you left was when you had serious meetings you actually had to be at.

"Mama could we go for a walk today?" Aliyah asked.

" yeah baby girl, let me just go get your nurse" You said getting out the bed.

You walked out the room going over to the desk.

" um hi could you page my daughter's nurse to the room?" You asked the older lady.

" yes no problem Ma'am"

You walked back in the room seeing Aliyah on your phone.

" how did you unlock my phone little girl?" You asked.

" I know your password" she laughed.

" let's take pictures" Aliyah said. 

You got back in the bed with your daughter and you was actually amazed when your daughter knew what icon to click on and how to take pictures.

" who taught you all this?" You chuckled.

"BeBe did" Aliyah smiled.

" BeBe did what?" Beyoncé asked walking in right on cue.

" she said you taught her how to take pictures" You said.

" oh yeah.... I'm sorry if that's a problem" Bey said feeling bad.

Beyoncé had a major crush on You.

" oh no it's fine, she's good at it" you said smiling at the nurse.

" oh BeBe! Can I go for a walk?" Aliyah asked.

"I'm sorry princess but it's time for your treatment" Beyoncé said.

" I never can go for a walk" Aliyah said pouting.

" baby girl don't pout please" You said rubbing her arm.

" Ali I promise I'll take you on a walk tomorrow" Bey said caressing her face.


" is she getting any better?" You asked Beyoncé.

"We really can't tell right now because she just started chemo. But don't worry she's definitely a tough girl" Beyoncé smiled.

" I know she is but I don't want her to die" You said as tears started forming in your eyes.

" she's all I got, she's my reason to get up in the morning and if she dies then so does my heart" You cried.

"Oh hun" Beyoncé said pulling You in for a hug.

" she's going to make it, yes it's gonna get tough but she's going to get through it" Beyoncé said rubbing your back.

Pulling away the hug Bey pulled You over to the bench to sit down.

" I had a daughter she was 4 just like Aliyah. She was my everything but one day I came home and she was dead, my boyfriend at the time choked her to death just because she wouldn't stop crying about bed time. And your daughter reminds me of my little girl and it just makes me so happy to see her. So I'm telling you right now that I'll never give up on your daughter, I won't stop fighting until she's cancer free" Bey said.

" I'm sorry for your lost Beyoncé..... and thank you for everything you've done so far" you said.


"I'm ugly now" Aliyah cried.

" baby girl don't say that, you're beautiful" You said.

" no I'm not! I'm ugly!" The little girl said.

" I want my hair back" she sobbed.

"Aliyah you're still beautiful baby, nothing can change that. You still look like a princess to me" Beyoncé said to Aliyah.

Aliyah laid against you and cried her eyes out until she felled asleep. You left to the store really quick while she was sleep, picking up a few things you needed.

Getting back to the hospital your daughter was eating her lunch and Beyoncé was sitting with her.

" how you feeling baby girl?" You asked.

" ok" she mumbled.

" look baby.... I know you think you're going through this alone but you're not, Mama is right by your side every set of the way" you said.

You pulled out the clippers you had just brought. Walking in the bathroom you started taking the clippers out.

" come on let's go see what your mama is doing" Beyoncé said helping Aliyah out of the bed.

You looked at your hair one more time before turning on the clippers. Running it across your head, you watched your hair fall into the sink. You shaved your head completely bald.

"I'll do anything for you Aliyah" You said to your daughter.

Aliyah smiled at you, holding her arms out so you could picked her up carefully without yanking on her IV cord.

"Wait let me take a picture of you guys" Bey said pulling out her phone.

Later that night when Beyoncé went home and she decided to do the same, cutting all her hair off. She wanted to be there for Aliyah, part of her felt guilty because she wasn't there to protect her daughter the day she died.


"BeBe! Your hair!" Aliyah said.

" I'll do anything for my favorite girl" Bey said smiling at her.

Aliyah patted the spot next to her so Beyoncé could get in. Her mom wasn't here so she settled with cuddling with Beyoncé.

" I love you BeBe" Aliyah said.

Beyoncé felt a pull in her heart when Aliyah said she loved her. For some reason Aliyah sounded just like her daughter at the moment and it just
brought tears to Beyoncé's eyes.

" I love you too baby" Bey said kissing her forehead.

" I wish you were my other mommy. Mama said my real mommy left when I was 2" Aliyah said.

" I'll be happy to be a mother to such an amazing girl like you" Bey said.


A/N: I spoil y'all too much! Like ion let y'all wait for shit🤣

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