No Baby

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"It's so hot out here" Chloe said.

"Then get in the pool and cool off" Beyoncé said to her daughter.

"Why can't I just go in the house?" She asked.

"It's either you get your butt in that pool and enjoy family time or you go in that house and be grounded for two weeks" Bey said looking at Chloe.

Chloe got up quick before jumping in the pool when her mom mentioned being grounded.

"Ayeee no splashing around me" You said as you laid on the floaty with your feet in the water.

"Mama come get me" Kayla yelled as she stood on the steps.

"Uhn Uhn" You said.

Kai snuck his way over to you before he flipped you off the floaty, making everyone laugh. Kai tried to swim away from you but you were faster. You grabbed Kai before dunking him under water.

"Bae be careful" Bey said.

"He's fine" You said swimming away.

You got out the pool before you went to sit next to your wife to dry off. Beyoncé looked over to her kids playing in the pool, missing when they were a baby.


"Me can I stay on a little more? I'm trying to beat this mission" Kai asked.

"No, turn it off and go to bed" You said closing your room door on your son.

You turned around about to take off your  shirt until you seen your baby girl in your bed.

"Nope. You know how you always saying you're a big girl? This Yo time to shine, get up out of here midget" You said pulling your blanket back.

"But mommy said I can sleep in here" she said.

You walked towards the bathroom, sticking your head in the door.

"You said Kayla could sleep with us?" You asked Bey.

"Yes, our bed is big enough" Beyoncé said turning off the shower to get out.

"She's six, she too big for That" You said.

"She's a baby" she said drying off.

"That talks back"

"To you" Beyoncé said pointing at you.

"Pffff, to yo mama" You said before closing the door.

"I'm sorry baby but not tonight, go get in your own bed" You said.

Kayla got out the bed before stomping away mad.

"Fuckin kids man" you mumbled before taking off your shirt before you got in bed.

Beyoncé stared at herself in the mirror rubbing her flat empty stomach, she wanted another baby. Beyoncé slipped on her night dress before she walked out the bathroom.

"Baby can you lotion my legs?" Bey asked.

"Yeah" You said putting your phone down.

Beyoncé sat on the bed, passing the lotion over to You. Placing her leg up in your lap.

"What if we was to have another baby?" Beyoncé threw out there.

"I'll die, them kids out there already too much" You said as you lotion Bey legs.

"Not really" Bey mumbled.

You looked up at Bey, peeping what she was trying to say.

"Ok but what's with all this talk about a baby?" You asked.

Beyoncé looked up at you before grabbing your hands, playing with your fingers.

"I want another baby" Bey said.

"Hell no" You said shaking your head.

"Why not?"

"Bey I only wanted one child and some how I end up having three and now you want a fourth one" You said.

Beyoncé moved to straddle Your lap, wrapping her arms around your neck.

"Please? I'll even do all the work" she said reaching between y'all to grab Your dick.

"Noooo" you said grabbing Beyoncé's hand.

"Why not?" Beyoncé whined.

"Baby I don't want another baby, I'm fine with the three I have. And we're about to turn 40 next year, I'm not gonna have the energy" You said rubbing Beyoncé's lower back.

"But I wanted a baby" Bey said laying her head on Your shoulder.

"I'll get you a puppy" you said.

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