Mines part 3

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It's been four months since Beyoncé last seen you. She still see Jamari either when he's in school or if he's at her mother house but that was every blue moon. Beyoncé was now four months pregnant, almost 5 with a baby girl. Even though things didn't go to plan how she actually thought it'll be when she's pregnant but she was very excited to be a mommy.

"Oh Bey look at this cute little dress" Tina said picking up a yellow dress.

"We just came to buy a crib and we're picking up extra stuff" Beyoncé chuckled.

" baby shopping is so much fun. But I really wish you we're doing this with Y/N though. She deserve to be here,it's her child too" Tina said.

"Me and my daughter will not come second to her little hoes she sleep around with" Beyoncé said making her way to the cash register.

"Beyoncé you don't know that, we're talking about a baby. I think the baby would be been her first priority just like Jamari is. Maybe things didn't work out for you two but she needs to be there for her child" Tina said.

Beyoncé rolled her eyes at her mom, she was annoyed and ready to go home. Nobody didn't understand how Bey felt in this whole situation.


"Mama remember mommy used to put oatmeal on our face"

"Can we do that?" He asked.

"Yeah hold on, let me finish this first please" you said to your son as you continued to type on your laptop.

"When can I see mommy again? Last time she said she'll come see me but she didn't" Jamari said.

" what chu mean last time? Where you seen mommy at?" You asked.

"At school, they let her have lunch with me and I'm having a sister" he spilled.

You got up from your desk walking out your office.

"Come on JJ" you said walking downstairs.

Jamari followed behind you out the door. You locked up before going to your car, you had a few things to say to bey.

"Mama where we going?" Jamari asked.

"Gotta see bey" You said.



Getting to Beyoncé's house you helped your son out the car before you was speed walking towards her front door. You knocked on the door waiting for an answer.

"Mommy open the door!" Jamari shouted.

Beyoncé was having lunch with Naya as they talked about a few things. Beyoncé got up when she heard a knock on her door. She immediately opened the door when she heard Jamari.

"Hey baby" Bey smiled.

The little boy attacked Beyoncé with a hug but careful not to hit her stomach.

"I missed you"Mari said.

"Me too" Bey said caressing his hair.

" we need to talk" You said looking Bey.

Beyoncé moved to the side letting y'all in. Naya was shocked to see You there but she was happy to see y'all both together in one room. One thing Naya can admit was that You and Bey looked good together.

" well hello stranger" Naya said waving at You.

"Wassup" You said.

"Can you keep an eye on him real quick?" Beyoncé asked her Best friend.

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