The Tale of the Day Loki Disappeared: Part 1

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Part 1

Thor tapped his foot on the ground and folded his arms across his chest.  He looked at the sun to see how late it was, and frowned.  “Maybe Loki got scared and decided not to show,” Fandral suggested.

Hogun shook his head and said, “Never.  Loki is always determined to show that magic is stronger than muscle.”  Sif snorted a little and then glanced at the door.  Volstagg belched and then continued to drink from an enormous tankard of ale.  Thor shook his head.

“Loki is a pompous ass.  He would never back out of a challenge.  The only reason he could not be here, would be because he’s been detained.  But detained by what?” Thor queried.  All five of them turned and looked at each other.  “Let’s see if we can find him in his chamber.”  The five of them ran to the palace, darting up the steps, dodging servants, and even Odin when they passed him in the halls.

“What has you in such a hurry Thor?” he asked.

Thor turned around for only a moment to say, “Loki was supposed to appear to fight me, but he never showed.  Something is not right.”

Odin shrugged and then responded, “Maybe he got caught up in his studies of the Nine Realms?  You know he’s been late for supper before because he was reading the old texts.”  But that would not sway Thor.  He, Sif, and the Warriors Three ran to his room, and pounded on his chamber door.

“Come on Loki!  Don’t cower from the truth!  Come out and fight!” Sif challenged.  Thor made a face and the Warriors Three chuckled.  However, there was no response.  Thor wrapped politely this time, but again, no sound came from within.  He then gripped the handle of the door and tried to open it, but it would not budge.  He tugged on it, but the metal only creaked.  Finally, Thor took hold of both handles and wrenched the doors from their hinges.  When they finally saw what lay beyond, they gasped.  Loki’s chambers were in a shambles!  Books were torn to shreds on the floor, pillows lay unstuffed, and several of Loki’s leather coats were strewn about.  The fountain from where he practiced water manipulation, was broken, and liquid covered the floor. 

“What in the name of Odin happened in here?” Fandral asked as he nudged one of Loki’s scrolls with his foot.  Thor bent down and picked up one of Loki’s daggers and saw that it had blood on it.  But not any blood.  It was pretty much clear, with a hint of gold.  He turned and held it out for his friends to see.

“Loki was kidnapped, and not by just anybody!  He was kidnapped by a Vanir!”

End of Part 1

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