The Tale of Loki's Amnesia: Part 4

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Thor was going to take one step forward, but Fandral stopped him with his arm. They were going to have to trust Sigyn. "Loki, is an intelligent, mischievous, loyal, and caring man. He was only a little boy when I met him, and he made me laugh," Sigyn explained. Loki started to lower his knife, and Sigyn placed a hand on his arm. "Loki is a sorcerer of the highest order; he was trained by his mother, Queen Frigga, and Volva the Enchantress. He has sustained many serious injuries, some administered by his brother, and others come from the dangerous missions he has done for the All Father. You have bite marks on your arm," Sigyn said, pushing up his sleeve and showing the scars. Loki glanced at them quickly and his fingers lightly touched the marks. "Those were given to you my Vlad the Impaler, or Dracula, as he is called now. You are a great warrior, Loki. You are very tough in the cold, often wearing light clothes in the bitterest weather. And, the most important thing, Loki loved me. He and I... you and I... are supposed to be married." Loki's eyes grew larger instantly and he looked her over quickly. He sheathed his dagger and cleared his throat.

"Well, in your defense, you are a very beautiful woman," Loki responded as indifferently as he could. Sigyn laughed at this, before suddenly leaning in, and kissing him on the lips. Loki stiffened and everyone else made a face.

"Oh come on!" Thor finally said. "It's not that foreign!" When Sigyn separated from Loki, he had a dreamy look in his eyes. That disappeared when he was hit in the other side of his head by Sif.

"What was that for?!" Sigyn asked, coming up to Sif and raising a fist at her.

"I couldn't tell if he would get ferocious again or not. It was a risk we could not take," was Sif's cold response. Sigyn's hand began to twitch as she resisted the urge to slap Sif, but that was when Loki started waking up. He gurgled and spat into the stream, before sitting up and placing a hand to his head.

"Why does my cranium feel like there is an epic battle going on inside of it?" Loki queried in a slurred voice. Thor crouched down next to him and poked him carefully. Loki shot him a look."Are you trying to see if I'm in one piece? Well, you can stop, Thor. I'm all here," Loki said as he started to stand up. Thor whooped and helped Loki to his feet. "Please be less noisy," Loki begged dryly and Thor became quiet. Sigyn gave him one of her bashful looks.

"So, do you remember who you are?" Loki raised his eyebrow and screwed up his mouth indignantly at her question.

"I am Loki, Prince of Asgard, Lord of Mischief! Who else would I be?" Everyone laughed.

The End

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