Coming of Age: Part 3

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"Who wants the last pop tart?" Tony asked as he held up the last Oreo pop tart.

Clint started to raise his hand, but Thor literally put him in a choke hold and exclaimed, "ME!"

"Geez! I wonder who's really pregnant around here," Jane Foster said as she slowly sat down in a chair at the kitchen table, her arm wrapped around her five month belly. Thor gave her an apologetic look and offered her the Oreo pop tart. Jane shook her head and waved him away. A year and half after Loki had disappeared again with his family, Thor decided that whether he had his father's permission or not, he would marry Jane Foster. And he did. Tony footed the bill for the wedding and it was grand Midgardian affair; although, Thor had no idea who the Kardashians were when they introduced themselves. Now, Jane was pregnant with their first child, and everyone was excited. In their time, Loki, Sigyn, and Nari had left six years ago. That was still a long time, and though they did not talk about it much, they still missed them.

"Well, I guess that's my midnight snack. See you guys in the morning," Steve said as he stood up.

"Night, Cap," Bruce said, and soon after Steve departed, other people joined him. Thor and Jane retired to their room, and everyone else were soon wrapped in slumbers.

Clint was aroused by the sound of a child giggling. He sat up in his bed, rubbed his eyes and looked around. He thought he detected the pitter patter of feet, and then another giggle, but he heard nothing. "Tony better not have spiked the punch again," Clint said as he yawned. However, that was when he heard Steve cry out in astonishment.

"There's somebody in my bedroom!" his voice rang out through out that entire level of the tower. Clint stumbled from his bed and opened the door. Once out in the hallway, he collided with somebody running in the opposite direction as Steve's voice. There was a grunt and they were both knocked on their backsides. As Jarvis turned the hallway lights on, Clint saw who he had hit. A teenager with ashy colored hair and green eyes looked at him with a mischievous smirk on his face. Clint stared at him like he was dreaming, but then he saw a tall man, with long black hair, and green eyes come up from behind the kid.

"Loki?!" Clint asked. The God of Mischief looked down at Barton and smirked.

"Good to see you again, old friend."

End of Part 3

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