The Tale of Loki's Diminutive Day: Part 3

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Part 3

Loki was practically shouting in his high pitched voice when the spell finally worked.  He disappeared and Urðr’s hand closed around nothing.  She gasped and turned quickly, trying to find him.  Loki opened his eyes and saw a blank nothingness.  This was what the Mid-Worlds looked like.  When a person was teleporting, they were sent to the Mid-Worlds for a brief moment.  It was said you had to be strong willed not to lose your soul in the Mid-Worlds.  Loki kept his eyes open and saw a whirl of colors assail him before he was deposited in Frigga’s chambers.  He made a sound as he landed, and then he rolled over on his back.  As Loki stared up at the ceiling, he breathed heavily.  He was still there, so obviously, he still had his soul.  He clapped and started laughing.  If he could survive the Mid-Worlds, he could break this enchantment that Verdandi had cast upon him.  That was when he looked up and saw Frigga sitting on the window seat, reading.  She looked so beautiful in her dress of lavender with a silver circlet running through her hair.

Loki stood up and started running towards her, calling to her.  However, Frigga could not hear him.  If she did hear some of the things he started to say, she would have been furious.  Loki soon reached the hem of her dress and he started climbing up it.  He slipped several times because the material was silk, and soon he had to give it up.  Loki stood below her, his hands on his hips, and his foot tapping the floor.  Finally, he could not take it anymore.  He began to chant, and soon, he threw a small fireball at the hem of Frigga’s dress.  It took her a second to smell the smoke, but when she looked down, a small flame was consuming the hem of her dress.  She cried out and stood up quickly, dropping her book.  Loki had to dive to avoid getting crushed by the book, and Frigga’s stomping feet.  Her cries soon brought her servants running into the room.  Loki thought he was going to become paste under someone’s shoe. 

He dodged, side stepped, and finally, hitched a ride in his mother’s slipper.  He crawled inside one of the flaps and held onto the button.  He gripped it between his fingers, closed his eyes, and cringed.  He soon felt the heat from the flames he had caused.  That was before he got washed away by a bucket of water.  Loki’s grip was broken and he felt himself get thrown across the floor.  Loki was choking, until the water finally decreased.  When he opened his eyes, he was looking into the face of Frigga’s precious cat, Merlin (named after the famous Midgard magician).  Loki knew how fierce this cat was, especially to things that were smaller than it.  “Nice kitty,” Loki said hopefully as he struggled to his feet.  When the cat hissed, Loki knew that the jig was pretty much up!

End of Part 3

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