The Unexpected Savior: Part 9

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The Avengers looked between a very pissed off Amora and an obviously amused Loki. "Are you alright, brother?" Thor asked.

"Do I look like I'm broken up about something?" Loki asked, and Clint snickered as he aimed one of his arrows at Amora. She hissed and waved her hand, intending to freeze them as well. Tony stepped in front of everyone, and expanded a shield, using his arc reactor. Instead, the shield had a green tint. "Told you, Amora. Six vessels of my magic. You're screwed, as Tony would say," Loki pointed out.

"We're vessels of what?!" Steve asked. Natasha looked at her hands, and felt a surge of power through her veins. She smiled, leapt outside the bubble, and kicked Amora in the stomach.

"I prefer not to question the man," she said as Amora stumbled backwards. Amora growled and dropped the ax. Clint shot an arrow at her and she disappeared everyone looked around. Loki was released from her grasp, and he dropped to the ground. As he stood up, Steve and Thor started walking towards him. That was when Amora appeared behind Loki, wrapped her arm around his throat, and raised a dagger in her hand. Before Thor or Steve could do anything, she stabbed downwards into Loki's chest. Loki sagged and fell, his disguised form giving way to his real self.

"Loki!" everyone shouted. Amora laughed as she held the dagger over her head.

"Death to Mischief! Mephisto and Surtur will have what is theirs!" With that, she disappeared. Loki did not move or make a sound. His blood pooled on the floor beneath him, until Thor and the Avengers all landed beside him. Thor picked Loki up, and took his hammer.

"Whoa, Point Break, what are you doing?" Tony asked.

"I'm taking him to Hel," Thor said.

"Come again?" Clint queried in disbelief.  I mean, the guy was not dead yet.

"The only way to save him is to go to the person he made the deal with. We've to ask Hela, his daughter to spare him," Thor said.

"Great! Let's just asked the estranged, and probably angry daughter to spare her father. Piece of cake!" Tony said before they were all transported to Hel.

End of Part 9

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