Baby Haze: Part 6

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"If your master knows I'm Ragnarok, then he knows I can't just give him the Paradox. I am the only one who can control it.  Unless he kills me and claims my title," Loki pointed out after he had internally regained his composure. Amora smiled and opened her mouth to say something else, but that was when Loki shot her with a magical blast from the tip of his spear. She was blown backwards into a taco stand, completely destroying it. When she sat up, she had a huge burn mark on her costume. "I'm making up for our last confrontation. You know. The one where I didn't have any magic at all," Loki reminded.

Amora laughed at this and said, "And that sweet little deal you made with your daughter?" Loki cocked his head to one side and raised an eyebrow. "Oh, my master went to her and offered her a deal she shouldn't have refused, but she said you made an even better one first." Amora waved her hand, and the Avenger babies appeared in the yard, sucking contentedly on their pacifiers. Loki's eyes widened, hoping they would not become adults again before Amora said what was next. "Your deal with Hela was that if the Avengers died while doing their duty to Midgard, she would get their souls. If they were on that path, you would do nothing to stop their demises," Amora said. Luckily for Loki, she said all of this in a hushed voice. The reporters that were still a distance away, did not hear her. Amora walked over to where the babies were and picked up Thor. She stroked his short, wispy blond hair, and kissed his forehead. Loki felt repulsed and straightened up with a disgusted look on his face. "And my master already looked at the Book of Hel."

Loki gasped. "But only my daughter and possibly Odin are allowed to look at its contents! It is forbidden for-"

"Ha! My master laughs in the face of convention and rules! He has already seen their deaths. They will die sooner than you think. In the battle that will rage for the Nine Realm Paradox when he comes into this world," Amora said.

"He?" Loki asked as he took a step towards her, his wary eye still on Baby Thor.

"Yes, Loki. He. The child that Sigyn has in her womb. Your son is the Nine Realm Paradox!"

End of Part 6

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