Healing: Part 1

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"Well, good news is it's not infected," the doctor said as he removed the bandage from Loki's chest. Loki tried not to feel self-conscious as Steve and Natasha watched from the other side of the room.

"Were they really necessary?" Loki asked as the doctor examined the stitches.

"It's called moral support, Loki. You've just been through a traumatizing experience and we're here to give you the encouragement you need," Natasha said. She said it with a hint of sarcasm and Loki detected it. He scowled at her and saw the doctor had put a small Band-Aid over the stitches.

"They're not ready to come out," he told Loki. That was when his hand moved to the scar on Loki's side, but the God of Mischief caught his hand.

"That's enough prodding for one day," he told him quietly. The doctor nodded quickly, pulled out a folder, scribbled in it, and handed it to Steve. Steve raised an eyebrow at it, nodded, and put his signature at the bottom. Everyone on the Avengers was an emergency contact for Loki, as well as a benefactor for his hospital bills. That was why Tony was adamant that Loki avoid getting anything major in the injury department.

"Have a good day," Steve told the doctor as he left. They both turned to Loki, and saw him putting his black shirt on. "I've been meaning to ask, where did that scar on your side come from?" Loki paused and looked in Steve's direction. The super soldier shrugged, and waited for his response.

"It came from Odin's and Frigga's throne. It exploded and some of the shrapnel hit me. Better me than her."

"Sigyn?" Natasha asked and Loki nodded. When they left the office, the nurses and several of the other patients stared at Loki. It actually made him feel very shy, and Loki took Steve's hoodie and put it on. He was just pulling the hood up as they walked out the front door, and cameras started flashing in their faces.

"Loki! Loki! Is what you said in your video true? You were attacking New York City to pay your wife's ransom?!" one of them asked. Loki backed up, took hold of Steve and Natasha's collars, and suddenly, they disappeared.

End of Part 1

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