The Tale of the Norseman: Part 1

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A little man came running down the hallways towards the office of the chief of the Committee of Public Safety. A letter was clutched in his hand as he avoided soldiers, other messengers, and secretaries. Finally, he arrived at a high, wooden door. His hand trembled as he knocked on it, waiting fearfully for the response from within. "Entre!" shouted the person from inside. He opened the door and walked towards the large, oak desk that stood under the sweeping window. "What is it Citizen Claude? What news to you bring?" Chief Moreau asked as he finished signing execution papers.

"From La Force, citizen," Citizen Claude said. Chief Moreau's head snapped up and he snatched the paper from Claude's hand. Tearing it open, he read the contents, his face slowly going red from anger. When he finished it, he crumpled it up, threw it into the fire, and jumped to his feet.

"I have thousands of soldiers to do my bidding! The most loyal to the revolution at my call! And no one can explain how five Aristos, a whole noble family, goes missing?! Who is responsible?!" Chief Moreau shouted. Citizen Claude gulped before he answered.

"The guards say it was the work of, the... the Norseman, citizen." Chief Moreau looked up and there is a murderous expression on his face. His eyes narrowed and he looked out the window over the city.

"The Norseman. Who is this Celtic bastard?!"

Loki finished tying his long, black hair up, and admired the cut of his new coat. Green velvet, trimmed with golden silk, and black buttons, carved with the face of a wolf. He smiled at his reflection and quickly bent down to brush some dust off of his new, black boots. Rapid knocking on his door made Loki look up. "Lord Odinson, your guests are starting to arrive. The Prince of Wales will be appearing shortly," a servant's voice told him.

"Thank you, Alan, I'll be down momentarily," Loki told him. He turned back to give himself one more look.

"Loki, you've never looked more mischievous!"

End of Part 1

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