The Unexpected Savior: Part 5

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Loki stepped out of the closet and frowned. Thank Odin he knew how to hypnotize somebody while being in very close quarters, literally! Loki ditched the postman garb, and quickly took out a passing agent. When he stepped out of the closet again, he had a high clearance badge and a new suit. Loki ran his fingers through his hair, and began the walk the long walk, to the Oval Office. Now that he looked like one of them, nobody noticed him.

"As soon as we enter the ring, Thor, the magic that Mjolnir possesses will set off the alarm. They're supposed to be able to read it and figure out if it's Loki or someone else, but we'll see," Tony said as he read the instruments on the Quinjets. Thor snorted and looked at his hammer. Steve gripped his shield, while Clint checked his arrows. Bruce just sat quietly, gently tapping his glasses on the palm of his hand.

"Please don't utterly decimate D.C., Bruce," Natasha said to him. Bruce looked out of the front window at the approaching city and shrugged.

"The other guy doesn't pay property taxes," was all he said. A few of them laughed, but Steve and Thor were looking out at the capitol. They knew Loki was in there, but what did he hope to accomplish?

"Something magical just entered the D.C. area. Is it Loki?" the President asked. Amora looked at the monitor and back at Scourge. She quickly went to a phone and dialed a number.

"Lock down Capitol Hill! Thor and the Avengers are here!" Amora said. The Scourge immediately left the room. The President made a face as did his daughter.

"But they're the Avengers! They help us!" Anna said and Amora gave her a look.

"They're his friends. They're tainted. We've got to hold them back or Loki will never come to us," Amora said.

"Maybe he already has," said a voice and everyone turned to see Loki standing there with a gun in his hand and pointed right at them!

End of Part 5

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