The Nine Realm Paradox: Part 3

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Natasha was on the ground, blood coming from a gash on her forehead. Loki was standing very still, a demon right behind him, one arm around his chest, and the other, holding a knife to his throat. Sigyn was staring pleadingly at her son, Vali, as he held his new little brother in his arms. The infant was crying his lungs out, almost as if he knew that something was wrong. "Vali! Put the child down!" Thor commanded, summoning Mjolnir into his hands. The young man turned around and laughed.

"Or what? You'll throw your hammer at me? Remember how well that worked for you the last time?" Vali pointed out. Thor growled and his friends came to flank him.

"Bruce, I think you should remove yourself from this stressful environment," Steve said quietly and the scientist slowly backed out of the room. The rest of them came up next to Thor and waited. Vali looked down at his brother and traced his tiny nose with his finger. The boy still screamed, but it did not seem to annoy Vali.

"Bring my father. If I want to become Ragnarok, I need to kill him myself," Vali said.

"Nay! You shall not leave this place!" Thor said as he took a step towards Vali. The sorcerer turned and blew them backwards into the opposite wall. With a wave of his hand, he, the baby, the demons, and Loki disappeared from sight.

"NO!" Sigyn screamed before she burst into tears. Bruce (who had thankfully not been in the room) went to her and examined her to make sure she was alright from the birthing. Thor and the rest of the Avengers picked themselves up and looked around.

"Jarvis, scan for any magical activity on the planet!" Tony ordered as he went to put his suit on.

"Yes, sir," Jarvis responded and the others watched as he scanned to globe. "I'm sorry, sir, but there are no magical signatures or activity on earth," Jarvis said a few minutes later.

"How's that possible?!" Steve asked. Thor shook his head firmly.

"I won't lose the both of them. Heimdall! Look for Loki! The only explanation is that Vali took them to another realm," Thor said.

"Please, Odin, they're still alive?" Sigyn begged from the gurney.

End of Part 3

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