Doom's Day: Part 7

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Hulk smashed Doom into the ground, while the rest of the Avengers dealt with the robots. Steve, Natasha, and Clint went into FBI building and found a few survivors. Using his magic, Loki was able to keep the flames in check and manipulate the water that was exploding from the fire hydrant Clint had destroyed. Soon, the fire was out, and Loki used the rest of the water on the robots, shorting out their circuits. "Don't think that you can escape me!" Doom said and he blasted Loki with electricity. It hit Loki in the shoulder, and the water Loki had been manipulating, went flying off and splashed Hulk in the face.

"Little god needs to be careful!" Hulk warned between gritted teeth. Loki gave Hulk a weak smile and then looked at the gold shoulder plate he had. It was fractured and Loki could feel that some of the metal had curled into his skin underneath his green tunic. Loki pulled it off and threw it away. That was when he looked up and Doom jumped on him from above. He knocked Loki down and his hands wrapped around his throat.

"Give me the Nine Realm Paradox!" Doom said. Loki pushed his thumbs up into Doom's gauntlets and began to freeze them. The ice entrapped his hands and Doom had to let go.

"It's a packaged deal, Doom. You can't get him without me, and I'm not interested. Besides, you didn't say please," Loki told him.

"Then, I'm afraid you'll have to go," Doom said as he raised one of his frozen hands and brought it smashing down. Loki blocked it with his forearm and then brought his legs up, wrapping them around Doom's upper body. He pinned him down and the Avengers came up.

"Nice move," Natasha said as she tranquilized him. Loki sat up and took Steve's hand when he extended it. Loki looked at Doom, but knew it was not over. If he did not do something, then he and Nari would be targets for every power hungry monster in the Nine Realms. It was a risk he could not take. Closing his eyes, he teleported himself back to the tower. Sigyn looked up from her rocking chair in Nari's nursery as Loki reappeared.

"What is it?" she asked as he approached. She was feeding Nari, and his head and her shoulder were covered. Loki squatted down next to them and laid a hand on his head and stroked it gently. Sigyn saw the look in his eyes and he sighed.

"We're putting them in danger, Sigyn. I'm sorry," Loki said.

End of Part 7

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