Doom's Day: Part 6

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Sigyn came running into the room at that moment and Loki turned to her. Her eyes were wide with fear and Loki looked down at Nari in his arms. Nari's green, pure eyes looked up at Loki and the God of Mischief felt a pang in his heart. He darted to his wife and gave her their son. "I've got to go out there and stop him before more innocents are slaughtered," Loki told her. Sigyn nodded and kissed him on the lips. Loki whirled around and magically transformed himself. He was standing there in his armor, green cape, and horned helmet. He started for the door, but Thor's hand on his shoulder stopped him.

"You're an idiot if you think we'll let you face this alone," Thor told him. Loki paused for a moment, looked at his teammates, and nodded his head.

"Avengers! Assemble!" Tony said before he disappeared into his garage.

Doom had his robots block off all the exits to the FBI building, then fire missiles at the base and foundations. The building was going to fall at any minute. Since Loki had seemingly turned over a new leaf, Doom knew that his weaknesses were the same as the Avengers: innocent bystanders. Doom was about to have a machine fire the kill shot when he was blasted from behind. When he turned around, he saw Loki standing there with the Avengers around him. "Surrender Doom! You're out numbered!" Tony said from within the suit. Doom threw back his head and laughed. Loki stepped away from the group and watched his enemy closely.

"You couldn't face me yourself, so you brought the girl scouts with you," Doom mocked.

"No, I brought my friends because we're a team. Let these innocent people go. They have no part in this. If you wanted knowledge about the Nine Realm Paradox, why didn't you just knock on the front door?" Loki asked. Doom had no response for that, and in that brief moment, he was distracted. Bruce, now the incredible Hulk, came up from behind and smashed into Doom. "Yeah, don't trust me when I make you an offer," Loki said.

"How bout that time you offered to do the dishes for me?" Clint asked as he electrocuted a robot.

"That had strings attached. It would have cost you an arm and a leg," Loki responded.

"I should have known," Clint said as he fired another arrow that blew up the fire hydrant.

End of Part 6

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