The Tale of the Diplomatic Duo: Part 2

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Giermarr glanced quickly at his parents, before he looked back to Loki and Thor. Thor's mouth became a thin line of repressed anger, while Loki's eyes sparked with obvious rage. Giermarr looked back at his parents, but they were still totally oblivious to the fact their son had been involved in this act of terror. "We have a strained truce with Asgard and Odin. Why would we risk open war by attacking worthless villages?" King Laufey queried. Thor growled and came forward. Loki made no move to stop him.

"Those people were not worthless! They had lives to live and now they won't because somebody had them killed!" Thor snapped. Loki came forward at that moment and placed his hand on Thor's shoulder. With a gentle squeeze, he pulled him back and stepped up to the dais.

"Our point is, these people didn't have to die to get our attention. If you are not satisfied with the terms of our agreement, then send an ambassador to the All-Father and try to renegotiate. That is a lot smarter, but then, Frost Giants aren't known for their intelligence," Loki pointed out dryly. Queen Farbauti snapped something in Jotun, King Laufey leaned forward on his throne, and Giermarr jumped up with a roar. Giermarr leapt forward with a knife in his hand. He tried to attack Loki, but Thor got in between them and he punched him in the face. Even though he was shorter than him, their strength was pretty evenly matched. Prince Giermarr fell backwards onto the steps. The Frost Giant guards came forward, but Loki spun around and slipped his mask on his face. He raised his hands and blew them backwards. Then, he faced the thrones again. His hand went out and suddenly Giermarr started choking. King Laufey eyed Loki, and Loki looked back at him. "I read the minds of the Frost Giant rogues. They were following the orders of Prince Giermarr!" Queen Farbauti glanced at King Laufey and she slowly stood up. Queen Farbauti came down the steps towards Loki, but Thor got in the way. She gently pushed him aside, her hand leaving a frosty print on his armor. Thor tried to get rid of it, but his bare skin almost stuck to the ice.

Queen Farbauti was soon standing right in front of Loki and she stooped down to his level. A smile crisscrossed her icy blue face. "My son would never do something like that. Ever. His brother might have though. He's always sneaky. In fact, he often reminds me of you, Prince of Mischief," Queen Farbauti said.

King Laufey turned and shouted, "Helbindi!" Loki turned around and saw another Frost Giant appear from a hallway. When he saw Loki and Thor, he smirked broadly.

End of Part 2

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